Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

The Republican party is as evil as Putin. I’ve always said the most dangerous enemy to the west was within.

Looks like Ukraine will have Kherson before the end of the month if not sooner. Be a big PR blow for Vlad.

They’ll have to cross a big river then which isn’t ideal. I’d expect the emphassis to shift to a different sector where they are beyond the Dniper once they capture it.

There is a fairly vulnerable stretch now along the sea, they could cut off crimea and a big chunk of the other occupied territories if they could get across to the sea somewhere along the stretch.

Is there a conspicuous lack of journalism from this conflict? Whatever happened to 'war correspondents?

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Green screen

They fought thier war vs covid, made their money and are looking for advisor positions within government. They lost interest once everyone took the ukraine flag off their profile pictures



Did he ever summon the US ambassador over drone strikes?


nope, he just punished them by sending back zappone

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An ineffective drone


The camels back is broken finally…

Ever minor checks on those coming in and returning those non-Ukrainians who are abusing the system would free up plenty space


Cannot be having that, keep them coming


Wait does that mean @estebandaface was right? Imagine having foresight like that. Fellas really dig in on tfk without seeing the knock effects and chastise fellas looking out further than 2 days.

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By god, the beautiful streetscapes we once had will be like something outta San Francisco, tent cities and human excrement everywhere.
At least the do gooders felt good about themselves for a while I suppose

No we need to keep this war going at all costs. No peace talks. No off ramps. Keep it going until we can install an American puppet in the Kremlin. If millions of people have to die so be it. And there’s no limit to how many refugees we should take. If it’s a million so be it they can sleep under a bush in the Curragh.

The absolute fucking demented nonsense spouted by the extremists on this site in the last few months. And they have the temerity to pontificate to anyone talking about peace. These are the same extremists who were calling for people who didn’t want to take the covid vaccine to be cut off from any social supports and let “die in the streets”. A vaccine that did not prevent transmission and from a disease that was of almost no danger to young people.

Dangerous fucking cunts these lads.


And it turned out that they were talking about Ukrainian refugees :rofl:


Same lads who wouldn’t leave house because of Covid want to roll the dice on nuclear Armageddon.


Sleepy Joe is very happy to keep arming the Ukraine so they can fight to the death. Very noble of him

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Peace would be a disastrous outcome for everyone mate

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