Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

I thought you had me on ignoreā€¦

Anti American rhetoric from a NFL enthusiast :joy:

Never argue with a fool, as they say.

Poor Tom, he used to be alright, although to be fair that was quite a while ago.

The Tucker Carsonists are in full headbanger mode today I see

The edgy, ā€œalternativeā€ blogs must be nearly copied and pasted to death at this stage.

Joe Rogan must have released a new podcast overnight

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I didnā€™t know you were a pirate

Because someone likes a sport they canā€™t be critical of the country itā€™s played in? Jesus, youā€™re a bit simple.

Tom made the point that Putin might take issue with the rebuilding plan for Ukraine. Iā€™m interested to see where he goes with that. I wonder why heā€™s concerned about it?

You think the plan is for Ukraine? :smiley:ā€¦

Some guy called Dave took a break from his steroids and pot podcast to provide a fresh, alternative take on the real reasons for the war.

Heā€™s a Ukraine expert since finding out about the existence of the country last month.

Heā€™s very trustworthy.

The UK has played its part in some of these reforms alsoā€¦ Workers rights are to be abandoned in the post war Ukraineā€¦ corporate interests come first.

When Ukraine is erased from history and becomes Russia it will be a true workersā€™ paradise. You wonā€™t even need to work, all your needs will be catered for from cradle to grave. Actually, just grave.

Thatā€™s what it says right? Do you have another theory? Is there a conspiracy going on do you think?

The reforms are for corporate interests. Thereā€™s nothing there that invests in social or structural programs. Social security will be slashed, prices shoot up, wages wonā€™t match, land sold off and middle/ small holders will be marginalized as multinationals dominate agri. The country is being sliced up in the name of corporate interests, not ā€˜for Ukraineā€™ā€¦ Theyā€™re so far in debt and will be for generations, they dont have a say in these things. This has been going on since 2013. Itā€™s one cause of the invasion - Russia, and parts of eastern Ukraine, are opposed to the forced sell off.

I have heard from several sources there is two Ukrainian pimps in Shannon both driving M5s worth over 100k exploiting their fellow countrywomen to prostitute themselves, but sure the scumbags were never getting in hereā€¦at least thatā€™s what was vigorously thrown at me.

Is that right, a fact?


How did they get into the country?

I blame @glasagusban

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