Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

“Is @Thomas_Brady a steamer?”


“The increase in economic migrants to Western Europe is a pre planned invasion set up by the WEF. Prove me wrong?”

@Ceist ?

I’m afraid you’ve reached this week’s quota for bot interactions

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I don’t unconditionally believe in anything.

Are there many on here at that craic tho?

No I guess not but there are those who amplify the opinions of those who ask those types of silly questions.

That makes sense, he gets all his news off bots on twitter.

It’s important to fact-check and verify sources when consuming news, especially when it comes to sensitive topics like geopolitics. Relying solely on bots on Twitter or any other social media platform can be risky, as they may not always provide accurate or unbiased information. It’s always a good idea to seek out multiple sources and perspectives when trying to understand complex issues like the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

Of course it depends on the question. Or at least it should.

Both sides have a habit of being deliberately disingenuous.

On one hand you have the idea that anyone asking any question immediately outs themselves into one of two extreme binary camps. Far something.

On the other hand you have people who are deliberately asking rabble rousing questions and passing it off as a fair line of enquiry.

Lost in the middle of it all are people who genuinely independent and want to learn more and make an informed opinion.

The whole thing is tedious beyond belief and stifles any meaningful discourse.


I think between me and you we can bring a bit of order and dialogue to the forum that’s badly missing. Not everyone is asking questions, pushing a far right Nazi agenda or being a screaming Mulally

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The Slavs are vicious cunts in wartime. That’s one thing we can all agree on

The Serbs need watching.

Amazingly enough it’s impossible to have rational discourse with people who get their views from an industrial propaganda network, which all the “just asking questions” folks do.

Pretty much the entirety of the right wing media and political complex in the US, the UK, Europe and Russia, and the much smaller but influential tankie complex which supports both Russia and China, is a Goebbels-esque creation.

There’s no being in the middle with that. Unfortunately most people don’t follow or actively try to understand how disinformation is spread in the modern world, so if you try to “both sides” things, you end up with a hopeless understanding of things, which favours the spread of disinformation.

Ultimately democracy will probably collapse altogether at some point in this century because the forces of disinformation are so well organised and so out of control that far too many people won’t know what to believe about anything and will just go for the demagogue who imposes a fake “order”.

@Thomas_Brady looks like you’ve asked too many questions


I’m afraid you’ve reached this week’s quota for bot interactions

I get the bit about people asking rabble rousing questions but the phrase “just asking questions” is really starting to stick as an insult so much so that asking questions is seen to be a bad thing. Given that both left leaning and right leaning media put their own “slant” on news stories or just downright lie I think it’s a good thing that people ask questions and this mob mentality of using the phrase “just asking questions” as an insult could lead to a dangerous place.


Emm, I don’t know how to respond

People with abhorrent views on twitter often mask their true intentions by saying they’re ‘just asking questions’

It seems to have triggered sone lads on here today @Thomas_Brady

“There’s no honesty there, Bill.”

Throwing out the ‘own questions/research’ cliché is little more than a refuge for very dull conservative types who dont have anything worthwhile to say. As is ‘i was being humorous’ or ‘i seem to have triggered…’
Would you not try and say something interesting or intelligent?