Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

Not ‘we’?

No, it was a king

Interest rates hiked up for the 7th time, cost of living crisis around Europe is killing families… Mean while the Russian economy is booming.

The EU shot itself in the foot following the US led sanctions… Of course another billion euro was donated to the war effort this week, EU citizens be damned.

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And the whole damn thing could have been avoided or settle on a dozen seperate occasions. A couple of hundred k dead later and most of us are still taking a very principled and noble stance etc

The war must go on.

How would you have settled it?

By not deliberately unsettling it. Minsk, autonomy for eastern Ukraine, language rights, regional parliament, etc etc, I’d have thrown in dual nationality and a referendum (even if putin was against it). I don’t know what I’d have done with western private interests etc, but the americans could have backed zelensky in the same way as they backed the 2014 coup.

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If this report is true it looks like things are gong very bad for the Russians in general.
Could the war be coming to an end?

Things are going very badly for the Russians, inspite of what some lads on here might have you think. The Ukrainians will go on the offence soon now that the ground has hardened, and I expect will drive the Russians back even further.

The Wagner thing is slightly seperate. That fella Prigozhin was becoming too powerful, so there’s a bit of an internal struggle going on.

Tae. Mug


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Great news for Russia. Wagner pulling out is a sure sign they’re winning.

Congratulations to our Russia supporting posters here.

Ukraine should have this wrapped up by August… They’ve half the world providing them weapons/ tanks/ ammo.

Thank god for that. The EU pumping in funds to ramp up production of shells to batter the fuck out of the orcs was a great move.

Eh, the EU pushed for the war :person_shrugging:t2:

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Fucked the Russians right up so they did.

The theatre of war. @Julio_Geordio getting his info from the institute for the study of war, @glasagusban from the pages of teen vogue. It’s genuinely fascinating to watch.


They signed a false peace treaty to allow Ukraine build an army and then broke this agreement to ensure war commenced. The aim was always crimea…

That’s all fine …but Glas painting then EU as heroes when they signed false treaties, caused the war then funded it is hardly something worth celebrating. They’ve committed hundreds of thousands to death.

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