Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

@glenshane parrotting whatever the Russian bots on twitter tell him is his indepenedent thought this week

Does anyone have an issue with the considerable neo-nazi elements in the Ukrainian military? Is that not quite a big deal?

Fire up an example there.
I just think its funny that an intelligent individual such as yourself would accept us government press releases as fact.

It’s a good thing Ukraine built an army, eh?

What’s with the Ukrainian phenomenon of strapping citizens to trees and whipping them publicly? That’s not European values

Well if youre gonna push for war you do kind of need one alright :person_shrugging:t2:

I love his constant references to all the “deals” he says the EU, not Russia, broke.

Sure if it wasn’t for the EU we’d have peace in Europe.

I haven’t heard anything about that but we all know bad things happen in war and no side escapes without doing something terrible.

I just find it unusual nobody seems to have an issue with large elements of neo-nazi groupings in the Ukrainian military or even finds it noteworthy to condemn or comment on.

It’s common practice in Ukraine

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I think balanced reporting of events and facts are very important.

What is worrying is that those who bemoan Russian propaganda etc would seem to be very insincere when they themselves are not objectives on any matter of the conflict and unwilling to look at the Western role in the conflict.

There does not seem to be a ground for balanced, middle ground voices in this conflict, just extremism from both sides and those in the middle ground savaged, particularly by the western propagandists.

The commentary is overwhelmingly one sided in the west which of course is worrying for any functioning democracy.


There was a real fear he’d look like an alternative to Putin, so they’ve basically been setting him up to fail while trying rally alternative mercenary groups.

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We need war to depopulate and save the planet. Green warriors like @Thomas_Brady should be encouraging more of it

I tried mate. The handbag clutchers had an absolute meltdown- when the dust finally settled not one of them could work out what it was that offended them… @Rocko finally saved their blushes with his infamous “there doesn’t have to be a smoking gun” remark.
It was quite something to watch…

A lot of commentary here has tried to bring an element of balance such as you’ve painted above but it gets shouted down as Pro Putin / Pro Russia.

The EU and US are up to their balls in the whole thing but pointing this out means you are a Russian stooge :person_shrugging:t2:

That’s the issue. Look at the way a decent, honourable man like Corbyn was portrayed in it. Someone who was far more critical of Putin than the pro-war Ukrainian lobby like Boris Johnson, Von der Leyen and Micheal Martin ever were prior to the invasion.

Decent people like Corbyn tried their best to use their influence to avoid a war, the other factions just seemed interested in crushing Russia and using thousands of Ukrainians to death.

Is it not reasonable to apportion blame to both the West and Russia for their roles in it, Ukraine are merely the piggy in the sandwich. Rather than attack the message in these situations, people misrepresent your ideology and leanings. Not a good luck for democracy.

Then again the same chaps were probably pushing for the invasion of Iraq too. How has that worked out for the middle east?

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The war is about control of LNG resources in the Ukraine, much like the war in Syria was about control of pipelines to the Mediterranean which go through that country. It’s about as simple as that.


That would be how I see it.

The yanks tried the same thing in Venezuela before Maduro sent them home with their tea in a mug.


Ukraine, not “the Ukraine”.

Putin builds em up to tear them down

He went from petty thief hotdog vendor to Billionaire International Mercanary Group owner, he’ll probably fall out a window shortly