Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

These lads are well worth a listenā€¦ a completely different way of looking at the world

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Would it roughly line up with your way of looking at the world?

They better shut their mouths so Billy Kelleher can run around Brussels waving a Ukraine flag.

Thatā€™s very good. A completely different way of looking at things.

Iā€™ll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume youā€™re not being snide. Ive only listened to a few episodes- in one they talk about the openly contemptuous slanging match that goes on between prizoghin and the head of the russian army. They also comment on prizoghinā€™s strange maverick online persona, his praise for the Ukrainians, his efforts to return slain enemy soldiers and the eulogies he offered while standing at their coffins. I thought it showed a completely different version of the russia that we were presented with- putin at the head of a long table, generals trembling for fear of saying the wrong thing etc.
They also commented on the video of the dalai lama kissing a child. Their view of Tibetan history is completely at odds with what we see- brad pitt, bono and a romantic hyper-respect etc. Their history is of a communist overthrow of an absolutely brutal caste system, slavery, human offerings, mutilation, child abuse etc,
Their view of western media and the conformity of the western population is one of bemused bafflement. The russian view is that the media lies and that no-one in their right mind pays any heed, russians in general seem to have a well tuned propaganda radar, whereas people in the west are willing and gullible fools where media is concerned
To answer your question, Iā€™m not really interested in listening to views that line up with my own- Iā€™d much rather listen to something that addresses my ignorance, changes my mind etc. I donā€™t accept or expect to believe everything etc


The bits of that that I can make sense of (pardon my ignorance ) seem to line up with your personal preconceived views expressed here

ā€¦the bit about the western media maybe. I know next to nothing about tibet or that wagner fella


Who did they go after?

You absolutely wouldnā€™t.

I absolutely would. My humble open-mindedness is one of the qualities i really admire about me


Do you have an issue with considerable neo-nazi elements in the Ukrainian military?

Have you an idea of the rough number/percentage of Ukraineā€™s military that is considered Neo-Nazi?

That you distrust Irish media and would prefer to get your information from commentators in Russia says a lot in fairness.

Presumably the lads that are calling Ukraine Nazis have a big problem with the celebration of Nazis close to home.

Dan Breen and Sean Russell must go.

Or this?

Such ideas and behaviours became increasingly evident among AS Romaā€™s Boys , who rose to ascendancy in the late 1980s as the old guard of the curva sud began to dissipate. Taking the doubleĀ­-bladed axe as their symbol, the pillars of their ideology are equally predictable and populist: the glorification of Mussolini as the greatest man in Italian history and the honouring of ancient Rome and the Fascist era, bound together by cultural memory that reinterprets and reinvents the past. In 2005 at Livorno, a hated adversary due to both the cityā€™s and teamā€™s strong Communist history, they unveiled flags displaying swastikas and Celtic crosses (the symbol of neoĀ­-Fascism) and sang choruses of ā€˜Duce, Duceā€™ in reference to Mussolini.21 The events were repeated at the Stadio Olimpico the following January when Roma hosted Livorno and included a black and white banner stating: ā€œLazioĀ­-Livorno: stessa iniziale, stesso forno ā€

Sean South must go.

"Sean South was a terrorist, a well-known fascist and an anti-Semite, and yet Sinn Fein politicians continue to fall over themselves to deliver the annual oration at his graveside.ā€
Ms Barton went on to compare Mr South to senior IRA man Sean Russell, who died onboard a Nazi U-boat in 1940.

Couldnā€™t tell you mate. I havenā€™t taken a poll. What I do know itā€™s well established now of the neo-nazi links in Ukrainian military and it does seem to be quite prominent.

Funnily enough the Western media reported widely about these neo-nazi groupings in the past but have now decided to suppress comment on them.

The official Ukraine Defence Ministry twitter account brazenly tweeting photos of their neo-nazi soldiers is a bit worrying though.

This is a real book by a good friend of Mick Wallace and Clare Daly. :grinning:

Declan Hayes is such a good friend of them that he organised their trips to Syria.
