Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

I’ve hardly posted in this thread, you must be very soft if you consider one post highlighting the casual racism of the incident at Dublin airport as bullying :neutral_face:

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So what’s the real story behind that video above? Are they genuine?

An hour delay is overkill. Kills debate.

As usual with these sorts of threads it’s specific posters causing the problem.

The thread would be improved immeasurably if pro-Russian troll posters who are only here to spam the thread with US right wing culture war bullshit like @glenshane and @Thomas_Brady and his burner account @Dooley were just banned from it.

Kills debate…

Can we ban posters we don’t agree with

The irony.

You don’t want ‘debate’ you want a little tug from your chums. You clearly want to be some sort of voice of authority on the thread and that’s it.

Glas wants posters shipped to other countries.
Tracksuit just wants to label people raving racists
Harry continues to attribute lies to people
And you want posters banned

A very clear trend emerging here from the lads preaching about good, freedom, free speech yada, yada, yada

The hateful left.

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Do you understand these “ nuances “?

I’d love to hear about the nuanced points that have caused Putin to send his military forces into Ukraine whilst there being zero threat to Russian civilians.

Russians are cunts

The lad who boldly stated that Ireland is the tenth richest country in the EEC is going to educate us on nuances :smiley:

It does kill debate but unfortunately sometimes those with least insightful to say shout loudest and most often. I’ve no interest in reading the latest tweets from conspiracy theorists on here. Your stubborn streak means you’ll enjoy debating with these nuts all day log but that’s boring for everyone else to have to wade through.

There are a couple of certified lunatics on here and at least one uber attention seeker. But when that becomes the majority of posts then it becomes a topic that nobody else can really contribute to.

Everyone has the right to free speech. They also have the right to setup their own servers to practise said right.


Maybe I’ve been too harsh on you. Perhaps you’re not making stuff up, you could just have very poor comprehension skills.

Well said @Rocko. You’re a reasonable enough fella. Would you lower it to 35mins if we promised to be good? An hour is a lot…

Would you believe it’s actually set at 45 minutes? The text is just reading the wrong value. I’m half tempted to move it to 30 minutes though.

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Be interesting to hear this posters latest musing considering where we are today.

Morto for @cheasty


Top moderating from the senior moderator.

The topic, however, may slide surreptitiously into the Things that are wrong thread and proceed unrestrained on it’s not so merry way.

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In all fairness tjere are very few lads capable of having a genuine conversation about Ukraine, Russia the US or anywhere else for that matter. There’s not much interest in anything outside of the narrative presented by the indo or bbc/rte. The fact that this was accurately predicted, warned about and quite possibly agitated for is offensive to most people.
Debate…learning …aye.

It’s the only dopamine the dopes can get - arguing with lads on the INTERNET.

Please expand on this….

Is it argued that Ukraine voting in a President with 70% majority was an inflammatory factor here?

Is it argued that privatisation of some sectors by Western companies was inflammatory?
If so, it’s that not hypocritical considering the forces at play with Natural resources in Russia & the distribution of those assets to certain people?

Is the urge of bordering nations to Russia to join the European Union or NATO seriously been seen as inflammatory too? Considering the actions of Putin although none of the above has happened.

Personally, if I want info from TV media it’s Al Jazerra for me.

Big Joe laying down the law tonight in Warsaw.

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Joe has had a great few days NATO United more than ever a true leader in difficult times

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