Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

I like Mark Fisher’s writings as much as the next man. And there we must leave it.

Well done on excellent league win.

Hollywood will be all over that fella afterwards.

Hard to disagree with you, the pile on has been very disturbing.

You repeatedly made this claim while offering nothing to back it up. You were very much part of the pile on. When i eventually located the post you disappeared for a couple of weeks. Frankly i think you should apologise rather than continuing to deliberately misquote and misinterpret.

They likely are being made feel unsafe and discriminated. Your response would likely be indicative of sensitivities towards them.

If they’re here, they likely fled Russia, fleeing the very regime people are now pinning on them as tho they are some cog in the putrid mess. They may abhor it as.much as us

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Its really all Tims fault.

Or others

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You are doing your usual thing, throwing up a lot of stuff and moving to the side. This tactic works best for cephalopods. You are not a cephalopod, whatever Jordan Peterson might claim about women.

I did not say you were justifying or condoning the invasion (although you making certain noises in that direction remains undeniable). I merely noted you had hoped for a bit of war before the invasion of Ukraine.

I further noted your antidote for decadence possesses a long genealogy. I was a million per cent correct in those observations. You are someone seeking an outlet for frustration. We get on the finest when the outlet is whiskey. I learned a fair while ago the best outlet for frustration in middle age is good food and good whiskey, not listening to contrarian political opinion. For what it is worth, the most ‘woke’ political document ever is the 1916 Proclamation. There was a time when I could recite the 1916 Proclamation in both Irish and English.

If I wanted to say stuff along the lines of what has recently been said to you in this thread, I would have said that stuff. I am not shy, not pallid in opinion. So you can safely gather that I neither initiated a pile on nor wish to see a pile on.

End of.


Oliver Stone wants to meet him, Susan Sarandon wants to fuck him, Chocolate Tom wants to be him.

It worked didnt it. Putin os now the villian and Tony has a new job

This is all bullshit. Polish your turd with all the fancy references and oblique words you want. This “undeniable” stuff is a lie, in the vein of another poster’s claim that what i’m at is obvious. If it wasnt a lie you wouldn’thave to misquote me and he wouldn’thave to reference george floyd…again, neither of you can back it up.
We’ll leave it at that. Dont worry about the apology.

What evidence have you got for that?

Did the Russians in Berlin on Sunday cheering on the war as if they had jut won the World Cup, did they “flee” Russia too?

Presumption of innocence.

These cunts was a reference to the Russian Embassy and their fake news….

Get a grip Mr Ritchie.

But but Nazis

But sure that doesn’t even make any sense as a reply as it presumes that any Russian who came to Ireland and was not fleeing the regime is automatically guilty of something. Nobody has made any such implication.

All I asked for is evidence that the majority of the Russians who are in Ireland are here because they are fleeing the regime. I don’t know what evidence you have to suggest that.

I’d imagine if you’re a Russian in Ireland it’s pretty difficult for your acquaintances not to know your views on the Putin regime and this war, same as it would have been pretty much impossible to be an American in Ireland in the winter of 2016-17 and for your acquaintances not to become aware of your views on Trump.

Any Russians who are here because they fled the regime are not likely to want to have anything to do with Mr. Filatov or his weasel words.

If there are Russians who are here who support the Putin regime and feel they are being discriminated against, my response to them would, be, well, it’s good you feel that way, because you fucking damn well deserve to be discriminated against for supporting the 21st century’s equivalent of Hitler.

Same goes for those Russians on parade in Berlin on Saturday. Discriminate away against them. Fuck them. They’re Nazis.

And the same goes for people of any nationality who are apologists for Russia. Such as Mick Wallace and Clare Daly. These fuckers deserve to be hounded out of politics, out of public life, out of wherever. They’ve thrown in their lot with the Nazis. Russia apologism should be treated in the same way support for paedophilia would be treated, not least because their “army” seems to have quite the liking for the latter.

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You’ve just condoned the invasion with those words. Expect to be ostracized by Glas , Harry and Mike Hunt.

Big time. They should be asked to piss off back to Russia if they love it so much.

I can give you a sample of one anecdote.
A Russian lady working in a Government job here. Rabidly pro Putin, she was made an Irish citizen recently. Anyway before the invasion she was like the Russian ambassador saying their would be no invasion. Once the invasion happened she didn’t come back into work for 3 weeks.
She still is a rabid pro-Putin cunt to this day despite living in Ireland with access to all the facts.

The point was they don’t love it so much but whip it up there lads, all Russians need sorting.