You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Because mass human suffering is a very, very bad thing.

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Only from a human point of view. Humankind doesnā€™t really care for mass suffering on any other level of living thing.


There is no other point of view. Humans are the only species that can comprehend the idea of mass human suffering and its devastating effects.

So to paraphrase, the man swarm needs a cull?

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But less severely. You have a valid point with the polio etc vax. Maybe someone more expert than I can give a rational explanation.

yep. thatā€™s the height of it. A damned good war might sort us all out.

Yet only 10.5% of the population of the 26 counties has tested positive for it. Iā€™m prepared to accept that not all infections are down as cases but even if you say 20% have caught it, thatā€™s still not a huge proportion of the population.

Telling Fulvio anything never ends well.

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You say that because youā€™re a human.

Agreed. But unless we are getting ā€˜vaccinatedā€™ every three months weā€™ll catch the fucking thing.

How much of that is limited by our capacity to test? I have my doubts.

Itā€™s even worse. We may get vaxxed every 3 months and STILL catch the fucking thing. But it might be less severe.

Like I said. Iā€™ve spoken to people whoā€™ve had their third shot a month before testing positive to covid.

They should be in the height of their antibodies too

There is another solution Iā€™d like to recommend to all humankind.
Get yourself a shotgun.
Load it.
Put the barrel in your mouth.
Pull the trigger.
No more Coronavirus\TFK angst.


Well, yes. And my ability to comprehend things as a human tells me that mass human suffering is a very, very, very bad thing.

Iā€™m quite alarmed at some of the fringe views that seem to be gaining currency. One is a guy called Paul Kingsnorth, a writer who was formerly a sort of environmental protestor (he protested the building of motorways in England and stuff like that, he apparently lives in the west of Ireland now) now turned evangelical Christian.

He classes the virus as a ā€œdelicious little sign from Godā€. Iā€™m not completely averse to the idea that the virus is natureā€™s way of telling us we are living beyond our means and to pull back from the brink, but Kingsnorth is cheerleading on mass death in a sort of rapture-like way. That is obscene.

It is a bit at the moment but throughout the pandemic probably not that much Iā€™d say.

Have you ever considered writing for the twilight zone?

There doesnā€™t seem to be a nice clear solution to this problem unless we very quickly perfect communism.

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would seem to tell you that you have some privileged place on this planet. You donā€™t. The dinosaurs were top of the tree for millions of years. Weā€™ve been here not a 100 thousand.

You should know. All empires are temporary and self destruct. Humans may set set a record for their lack of longevity.