USA vs Iran War (Aka World War 3)

Putin and the Chinese could learn a thing or 2 from Trump

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@mickee321 it looks like Israel and the US could be waging another Stuxnet type attack on Iran. There have been reports of large explosions at a number of Iranian nuclear facilities in recent weeks.

Them Iranians must never change their passwords

Is this not more of a physical attack than a inter web one?

Not necessarily.
The Stuxnet attack is worth reading about. The Israeli and Americans came together to produce a piece of malware called Stuxnet, designed to target the industrial control systems of the centrifuges Iran were using to enrich uranium.

The malware would randomly increase and decrease the speeds at which the centrifuges would spin, but keep the sensor readings constant. All the fluctuations would eventually destroy the centrifuges.

There have been other pieces of malware found in recent years which have had the potential to cause explosions at petroleum factories by secretly over riding safety valves.

It’s not a stretch to think its something along those lines.

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A good war is what we need to distract us from Covid.

Mossad are serious operators.

What did they do now?

Assassinated the top Iranian nuclear scientist the other day.

Only 62 in the hit squad, not taking any chances.

It was a common street mugging don’t believe the conspiracy nuts

Mossad killing a top Iranian scientist is up there with the moon landing, big foot and Iran murdering michael Jackson. You can’t believe everything you read on the internet

They MacGyvered some class of a remote controlled machine gun to do the job that appears to have self destructed afterwards.

Another tasty little operation here from Israel.
The ship has been moving around that region for months, and is supposedly acting as a logistics HQ for rebel groups backed by Iran. There has been tit for tats attacks on ships in the region over the past while.

Bibi needs a distraction, pronto.

The background to this repayment by the UK is a bit mad

Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe to be released as UK pays Iran £400m debt - report

It dates back to the 1970s when the then-shah of Iran paid the UK £400 million for 1,500 Chieftain tanks.

When the shah was toppled in 1979, Britain refused to deliver the tanks to the new Islamic Republic but kept the cash, despite British courts accepting it should be repaid.

A Prime Minister always repays his debts, especially when it’s for home deco or he’s stuck for a good news story

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He left her in jail until it suited him the total cunt.


Just what the World needs