Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Racists in Ireland: “I previously said that I bore no grudge against Ukrainian refugees and creatively framed my posts to focus on a fake “concern” about their wellbeing. Now I’ve decided to let my mask drop because it was too much effort trying to make pretend arguments I never believed in the first place, and have reverted to telling them all to fuck off home.”

Some cunt in Wexford ( shared by Larry O’G ) making claims that some Ukrainian refugee had their Tesla car sent over after them to Wexford. :roll_eyes:

Shared a random photo of a black tesla claiming the photo was taken in a Wexford car park when it was obviously taken somewhere in mainland Europe.

That’s what you’re up against. And no shortage of disaffected angry bigoted dimwits that will believe it. “Did you hear about what the French fella said about Ireland on the internet” types.


I’d imagine these posts online are created by Russian influenced bots?

You wouldn’t even need a Russian influenced bot. We have Esteban here repeatedly posting things that are completely incorrect or untrue.

Then you’ve the likes of this lad who will believe anything he reads on the internet. Would he spot a Russian bot? Would it matter to him?

You’re getting hysterical again

Here will ye cunts fuck up or start yer own thread about housing

It would appear Ukraine performed a simple dummy manoeuvre. Putin has pushed his so called “elite” troops down to Kherson and now the Russians are getting smashed in the Donbas again. And in Kherson, from the sounds of it.

In Croatia now, the place is full of Ukrainians on holidays, some war alright

lest see how hungry these boys are for taking in refugees when they are paying 500 pound a month for esb

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Seems the Ukrainians have the Russians on the run in a few places. Be an interesting few days, hopefully they are like the Liverpool defence, once you get in behind them they are goosed

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This thread contains a lot of description of murders by the Putin regime.

Norm talking a bit of common sense. I suppose
Hussain and the haemorrhoids will have to scramble around and find some way to link him with alex jones?

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Noam has a very soothing voice so I’ll give that a listen later :+1:

You ok, hun?

Can you give us a few bullet points?