Unpopular opinions or views you hold

Mr Neylon like some others has taken this tweet out of context. When the Frenchie speaks of “government being a bunch of landlords” he refers to the government allowing their property developer buddies have the run of the country.

When he says the institutions not working for the people, he doesn’t mean the lady in the local tax office. He’s referring to the likes of healthcare bodies, an bord pleanala, etc.

It’s so easy to misinterpret things like Eoin Neylon has.

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The area in Sliabh Luachra around Abbeyfeale, Tournafulla and Mountcollins.

Irish people are generally way too conservative to take any kind of civil unrest action. They would need drink on board to contemplate it. The Irish as a whole need drink on board to do most things…

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I love how you’ve really swallowed whole this “a French person said this” part of the anonymous internet post.

The Irish are generally speaking good little Paddies who do what they’re told. Whether it be by the Brits for five centuries or the EU today.

How do you know it wasn’t a French person.

And does it matter what nationality they were? I don’t agree with every point of theirs but a lot of what he said is true.

100% correct.

That’s why they don’t speak their own language too.

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The French never got over doffing the cap to the Nazis and collaborating.

A shameful country back to the Dreyfus affair full of self entitled cunts who wouldn’t work to warm themselves and think being rude and a wanker is some form of class of nobility.

Also when I was there on a school exchange the French students and school stank of body odour. What sort of animal won’t wear anti-perspirant. The French that’s who.

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I personally wouldn’t class them as city centre. They’ve become trendy no doubt with the hipster takeover.

A fucking French cunt on Reddit? You may as well ask @BANDAG3_FAT_BASTARD

I’m mortified for @Gary_Birtles_Lovechi

It reads like the bullshit one of the disaffected middle aged gobshites on here would post, or swallow. I’d say it’s much more likely to have come from someone like that than some anonymous french person.


And phibsboro was named as one of the trendiest neighbourhoods in the world not long ago :grinning: :grinning:


Define “Trendy”?

Another kip!


Whatever does it for you.

very fashionable or up to date.

Hmmmm, this could mean a variety of things.

Or the RCC.

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