Ryan Tubridy

Sorry mate, I meant to reply to this last night but I was on my way to bed.
I’ll reply to all your points.
I’ve been on the forum for years, there is no long game, if I was a fan of Tubs as a broadcaster I’d surely have said it long before he was in any bother, the truth is I don’t listen or see him nearly often enough, I’ve heard bits on the radio but it wouldn’t be my thing, I’m at work anyway. I never watch the LLS except for the Toy show. You can disbelieve all that but it’s the truth.

There was no ‘perceived slight’ it was a very obvious slight and it was framed as a joke so I responded with a laugh, a job on British radio after Chris Evans isn’t Limerick local radio after all :man_shrugging:

My admiration for him as a person came to light a few years ago, maybe second hand I suppose but it came directly from a family that benefitted greatly from his kindness, it was the kind of thing that you’d admire in a fella, as for him not knowing me from Adam, well that suits me fine :grinning:

Finally it doesn’t seem like Junior B to me, it seems to be a big job.

Anyway look, you’ll have to forgive me defending him, surely a forum needs a counter opinion anyway, don’t deny us that.

Thanks :pray:





How in the name of God would you get through the day without explaining something :man_shrugging:

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Somebody? Shur you told us you’d a whole hape of mates in rte and they were all batting for him

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No, you made that up.

I have a very good pal who’s a presenter on RTÉ, my wife also has a good friend who’d be on the telly a bit but I don’t think I’ve ever said that, she also knows Ryan

You’re some spoofer.
Don’t fuck with Chuck.

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Yeah, I mentioned 2 people above :man_shrugging:

So he’s incredibly popular in rte, according to your mates there…a ringing endorsement but for the fact that your mates consist of one friend and a pal of your wife’s?
Would you ever go and boil your head

God this is weird,
People who work with him might know him eh,
Did you ever have a job? :grinning:

Well, all the rubby pundits and commentators in the world and we get Jamie Heaslip and your wan who has the voice and insight of a diesel lawnmower.


I saw Graham Norton get booed offstage in Galway about three months before he became the darling of the BBC. There’s a huge popularity in England for a bland but good humoured tame paddy.

I know, I know


They wouldn’t be able for tommy tiernan

It is a bit, claiming your mates in rte say ryan is lovely, then denying you made the claim, then standing over the claim while denying it.
Say hi to your mate/mates in rte for us…

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By god, you just never know on TFK

Not in the daytime slot, but Tommy is both talented and funny. Wogan was fairly risque at some stage.
Chris Evans is as good a radio host as there is imho.

It’s getting weirder,
I’ve no idea even what you’re on about now.
I deny nothing,
I have been told that Ryan was well got in RTÉ, I said that here before (uncovered by you)

Sometimes it seems like your seconds away from your head exploding, I don’t understand you :man_shrugging:


Jesus I’d love to explain but @Raylan doesn’t like it

Sure what harm…,.

I’ll try

I don’t have a ‘whole hape of mates’ I have 2 (I’ll include my wife’s pal because I’m friendly with her as well. [quote=“glenshane, post:357, topic:5831, full:true”]
So he’s incredibly popular in rte, according to your mates there…a ringing endorsement but for the fact that your mates consist of one friend and a pal of your wife’s?
Would you ever go and boil your head

I said he was well liked in RTÉ, the ‘incredibly popular’ quote that you mined was cut to remove the beginning of the sentence.

I’m baffled by this :grinning:

My 9 year old just declared she’s not watching the Toy Show next week over “what they did to Ryan Tubridy”.
