That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

I’m very concerned about it that’s why I was checking in with you Matlock you were convinced there was something he could be charged with the other day. Id like to see the judiciary just get on with it now

I think you’ll find he is a smug cunt and people largely despise him!

Tbf, ethical responsibilities issue lie squarely with RTE management.

  • they could of told Tubs to clear off if he wasn’t willing to accept the going rate.

  • they were happy to leave staff go unpaid on maternity leave

  • they were happy to slash wages & jobs in other areas

Tubs employed an agent who got him a brilliant deal.

We might not like that but it’s pretty similar to people who rightly think Auctioneers are the biggest bastards alive.
In truth they are but two things ring true about that system tbf….

  • they’re okay once you’re selling & they use the cunting tricks to get the best price.
  • buyers continue to buy their shite & pay over and beyond the original price.

RTE paid what they felt Tubs was worth, unfortunately that’s not his or his agents fault.

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This is what happens when you put women in positions in power for the sake of it


Seems to be a comprehension on your part. The point i made is that this should be investigated by those with a regulatory function to see if there are any offences. If theres no offences, hell still be tried in the court of public opinion.

Again, with your banking background, i wouldnt expect that youre that au fait with regulatory compliance.


Outside of TFK and the permanently outraged twitter headbangers I’d say Ryan has been an incredibly popular figure, very well liked in RTÉ according to my mates there, he appears to have been the beneficiary of sone shady dealings on his employers part, shame about that, it could spell the end for his career, who knows how these things work. The outrage will move on

JP McManus likes this comment


Ye took the hundred grand

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You were putting him in jail the other day matlock I was just following up to see what kind of charges he would face

Tubridy is hated by a certain cohort mainly because he went to Blackrock College and because Todd Andrews was his grandfather.

The same cohort worship Donald Trump, who is as big a scion of extreme privilege as they come, and see no contradiction.

One particularly gormless former sportswriter who is a hero to this cohort is totally oblivious to the fact he himself only got a start in journalism because his father worked in RTE.

My view is Tubridy is a competent broadcaster but nothing special. Few out there are anything special. There’s a slight coldness and insincerity in his demeanour. He doesn’t have the warmth of a top, top broadcaster like Darren Frehill. But fair fucking play to him for making hay while the sun shone.

Should this end his career? If it does, it’ll be the biggest example of actual cancel culture this country has ever seen.

That’s speculation

Have the timelines revealed today shown that Dee Forbes would have been aware this shit show was coming down the tracks before Tubridy announced he was stepping down from the LLS?


I love how the most trivial of current affairs entrenches the forum to one side or the other. Most waiting which way the wind is blowing before digging in for a few weeks hard internetting.


Hes popular with winin who say things like “it’s wine o clock” or “another cocktail……don’t mind if I do” and their henpecked life partners/significant others.

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Alcoholics? Or just people who enjoy inane comments?

I don’t (knowingly) know anybody like that but I’ve m sure his appeal extended further than that

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I don’t think he’s that popular among the general public and if this affair proves one thing it’s that’s he’s not generally popular in RTE either. Almost no one has even come close to being sympathetic to him let alone backed him. I don’t think he’s some evil bastard or anything but he is the epitome of a type of d4 type smugness which simply isn’t popular.


That’s a good synopsis. I can’t understand how a presenter can acquire such an income. Conducting interviews seems a relatively stress free occupation. Being in the public eye is probably the most challenging and off putting aspect of it. Any of us could list off countless more challenging occupations that require a higher level of education. Tubridy has a degree in History and Greek and Roman Civilisations as far as I know. Probably required 350 LC points or less to gain entry to the course and if he didn’t have the connections within RTÉ he could have found it much more difficult to gain employment. I’d doubt he’d have spent 10 years dating Aobhinn Ní Shúilleabháin without the status this afforded him too.

Sure you couldn’t back him publicly at the moment, you’d be crucified by the mob.
I don’t know who you talk to, maybe it’s just me, but I don’t know anybody with a bad word to say about him, and trust me, he is very popular in RTÉ, I know some people there, a good friend of mine is a presenter and a good friend of my missus has a role in the public eye also,

I think that is far closer to the mark.