September 11 memories


They key word above being Ardrahan.


Gingerman pub in Fenian street for lunch and it was on the TV. Long lunch.

Can anybody explain to me how in 2001 so many people could make mobile phone calls on a plane to people on the ground?

Also these hi jackers that crashed the plane. What sort of training is required to steer a plane into a building like I mean I presume a normal pilot doesn’t have the skill set to take a plane off line and steer into a specific building 100s of miles off course ?

I’d imagine once it’s taken off and cruising it wouldn’t be that difficult. Those lads did all go to flight school and trained on those planes.

Really? Planes are hardly that easy to manoeuvre. Like would they have been able to lock onto one of the buildings as a landing destination.

Not mobile phones. In those days they had seat back phones in planes.


I never knew that.

Remember when they said they found one of the hijackers passports two blocks away completely intact :joy::joy::joy:

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Also one last question. There was 15 minutes between the plane hitting the first tower and the second tower. Is it slightly surprising more people didn’t get out of the second tower? I presume the minute the first tower was hit everybody would gotten out of the all buildings.

Anyone ever watch “Loose change”? I must root out the auld tin foil hat and throw it on again.

They were told it was safe to go back to their offices.

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Really? Jesus that’s mental.

The official response was for them to stay where they were as no threat. But people started to leave. They evacuated the Hotel between the towers but there was no real panic. Staff remained behind. Until the second plane hit nobody really knew what had happened and thought it might be a small light plane that had crashed.

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Flying the plane into the pentagon was probably a far more difficult maneuver. They managed to hit a relatively low building straight on.



Why would you in fairness you were about 5 when it happened

Middle seat in row of three had a cordless phone that popped out. I think satellite based. Crazy expensive to use. I don’t think I ever saw a call made on one.

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Remember when the third tower collapsed even though they forgot to fly a plane through it :joy:

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