September 11 memories

I vaguely remember flying with my dad to the Munster game v Leicester in 02. I don’t ever remember phones on planes. Why did they get rid of them?

Some job getting thousands of people out of a 90 storey building with no elevators etc. You’d hardly make it down in 15 mins from the top floors


One surrounded with anti aircraft guns, air defences etc. One of the most secure buildings in the World. Pity they hadn’t a few cctv cameras


I think they were on American planes. Don’t remember seeing them here. Nobody used them. Calls were too expensive and no culture of talking on a phone on a plane existed.

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They wouldn’t have been phones on Ryanair planes

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Why has no one a house phone or a car phone etc

It’s mad to think nowadays there wouldn’t be any contact from passengers on board.

I dunno where I heard it but there’s a particularly harrowing call from a husband ringing his mrs to tell her what’s happening. Awful stuff.

Yeah, I know the one you’re referring to. He basically tells her he’ll see her when she gets ‘here’. He knew he was fucked.

Yep when he says I’ll see you when you get here I turned it off. Bloody tough listen.

The @TheUlteriorMotive types who are on expenses can probably log onto the onboard WiFi and do a FaceTime call

I saw a programme recently that said it was the aluminium from the planes that caused the steel to weaken , it melts at a lower temp…and planes have tonnes of it… I missed the end of the show. The threoy was that it flowed down the steel shafts… The chap favouring this line pointed to footage of what appeared to be sparks coming from the building but on closer inspection it was molten aluminium flowing

The lads who jumped instead of burning to death is the one that always gets me. Hanging out the window and the heat getting unbearable so your only option is to jump a hundred odd floors to your death.


I was at the ground zero site a few years ago. The two holes in the ground are a powerful and stark vision. It was a crazy day

What made it so crazy, did you go to hooters afterwards?


Building 7 mate. Absolutely no way it collapsed like it did due to a supposed fire

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What are you suggesting?

I’m suggesting that the official line was a bunch of bullshit man.

Like everything else follow money.

Why were hundreds of millions in gold bars supposedly removed from the vaults of WTC in the days before the attack?
