September 11 memories

Most likely…

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So basically people with gold down there had an inkling there was a threat and wanted their stuff? Or is that too simple?

Look up Larry Silverstein and the insurance on the WTC buildings.

I remember the first time I ever met one of these freaks. He turned out to also be a massive anti-semite, he thought the Jews had killed disco. Now these people have basically taken over the world.

Two massive skyscrapers, nearly the biggest buildings in the world were after collapsing. Another building next door collapses from all the vibrations and shit. Conspiracy!

From my limited experience of flight simulators it’d be handy enough once you lined her up good and proper. Landing one is another story.

They weren’t interested in landing. That was one of many obvious after the fact dots that the FBI failed to connect.

The alley was great for keeping all the roasters in one spot and out of general circulation

I know it led to it, but gwb’s decision to invade Iraq was far far far more world changing. 911 had nowt to do with Iraq, it just gave him the fig leaf.
Now that changed the world, and not for the better.
Millions have been butchered as a result, one way or another. They don’t count as much as American professionals of course.

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Slide down the bannisters

I was in my early teens when it happened so recall very little of this carry on

That’d be a great level on Super Probotector.

Started plastering my house that day.

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Mass shootings at shopping malls. Another hijacked aircraft that was reported but never mentioned again is what I remember too from that afternoon.

What’s that bro?

That’s just the light bulbs exploding as the building collapsed, nothing to see here, move on

Wake up man

Every hire car and car for sale was rented / bought in Las Vegas as people had to get home and there were no flights for (I think) a week.

I had a few lads stranded in Memphis for a couple of weeks

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