September 11 memories

Edna Cintron worked for a firm called Marsh and MacLennan and stood at the bottom of the big gash in the North Tower right until it collapsed. 1 hour and 42 minutes was the gap between the plane crashing into the tower and its collapse. An almost unimaginably horrific end to a life.


I remember flying into Dulles two weeks after it, and seeing the big hole in the Pentagon upon our descent. RTE news was non-stop coverage of 9/11 in the two weeks before I flew. I spent three months in D.C and never heard 9/11 being mentioned on the news networks once. For three months solid, morning noon and night it was anthrax. Every soul terrified of opening their postbox. Turns out that was one of their own. When I got back to Ireland, the RTE 6 and 9 o clocks news was still chockablock with 9/11 coverage. Thatā€™s when I learned that the U.S news networks were a complete cod, irrespective of their political leanings.

Did you recite that from memory?

I learned of her existence when I went down a September 11 rabbit hole a couple of months back.

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@glenshane very active in the comments.


Thereā€™s always some japanese chap with a camera. This fella is their king.

24 years and it only comes out now. IT STINKS.

So they flew planes into the buildings and also demolished them with explosives? :thinking:

Thatā€™s mad.


Well, weā€™re 100% sure they demolished them with explosives. The jury is still out on the airplanes though.

I know somebody who had a work colleague who died on one of the twin tower planes - what do I tell him?

Donā€™t give up

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Must have been one of the strangest days in the western world.

We were still in love with America then. No way would there be a suggestion it would be called off today.
I was working on a site in Auburn in Sydney filling a skip with a fella my own age from cork. I only found out about it by seeing the front of the paper on the way to work. Yer man from cork didnā€™t show up. I rang him and he said ā€˜fuck work boy world war 3 is about to break out.ā€™ id to fill the cunt of a skip on my own.


Ya it wouldnā€™t get the reaction now would it

Would you not have disposed of him in a less obvious place?


I spread him out good and proper