September 11 memories

I remember moving to Washington D.C three weeks after 9/11 and a quare chunk still missing from the Pentagon. That’s when I realised how fucked news channels can be. There was zero mention of the 9/11 in the news in the U.S, only anthrax. Anthrax alerts 24/7. Three months later in Ireland, they were still talking about 9/11 on the RTE news.



Were you alive when it happened?

I was young and being honest I don’t think I do remember it.

I thought it happened in primary school and my sister was home sick but I’m not sure the times tallies with that.

My mother does remember my sister being home sick but Im not sure of my actual memories of it.

I was at the 02 Heineken cup final and I remember the 02 all Ireland football final. I also recall some of the games from the 02 World Cup.

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September 11 was the greatest bit of tv ever made.


A good pal of mine was in the lift lobby when plane hit. Another pal’s brother died.

When first plane hit they initially thought it was a small private plane and an accident.

My abiding memory of the morning was the discussion that the buildings would likely need to be demolished once fire was out.


This is Sky News’s coverage. I watched all this live. Except for about 20 minutes around half five where I nipped down to the off licence for cans.

There’s a fella here half an hour into the video, David Learmount, who knew his onions.

“I have fears for how that structure is going to stay together, I don’t think we’ve seen it all yet.”

“I think that that structure is in grave danger and anybody in the vicinity of that building should get out of the way now.”


I found it incredible that when one plane was hit every tower in Manhattan wasn’t evacuated.

He most certainly did.

Even his prediction of the planes being flown by the terrorists.

It was like he was reading from a script.

People didn’t know what was happening. The people who did know what was happening only sort of knew what was happening. People didn’t know what sort of plane had hit the first tower. They thought it was a small plane. At first what happened was a curiosity. It was exciting. It was only when the second plane hit that people copped on what was really going on.

The 1990s began on November 9th, 1989 and ended on September 11th, 2001.

The trauma of watching September 11th live has cast a long shadow over the world. There is massive undealt with trauma in America and in Europe over it still and that has affected everything since.

What people won’t tell you is that at the time it felt utterly exhilarating. Adrenaline was pumping. People felt alive. They were horrified, but they also felt deeply alive. It was like a fever dream. Brilliant sunshine, crystal clear water, crystal clear digital television, spectacular aerial shots, and you watching a passenger plane fly into the tallest skyscraper in New York live on television in front of you. The lines, the patterns on the side of the skyscraper, haunting you. This was science fiction futuristic modernity and you were living it. You knew that you would remember this day forever and talk about it forever.

Trumpist America has a deep nostalgia for the fake moral clarity it experienced in the aftermath of September 11th, when anything felt possible. It has deep nostalgia because it is a movement entirely based on fakeness in a country in which fakeness is a religion. Trumpist America never analyses where that fake moral clarity led and where the entirely fake moral clarity it now preaches will lead. Fake moral clarity of this nature leads to autocracy, corruption, criminality, invasions, barbarity and ultimately holocaust if not stopped in its tracks.


I wonder would they even show it on telly now? Considering they don’t even let us see bad tackles

Peak TV. We didn’t know how lucky we were

I know one guy from my firm who got out of the first building. A second who was manning the phones for relatives calling looking for their loved ones. A third who was working on the buildings in NYC for some Jewish company. They had a holiday that day and he slept through it all.


Another girl I know who was in building when it was hit told me for quite a while after she kept a pair of runners by her bed or her desk in case she ever had to run out to escape.

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They kept flights grounded until the 13th.

They probably wouldn’t keep them grounded for 2 hours know.

Apparently The biggest fear Americans had wasn’t being killed after - it was being trapped away from home. People couldn’t get back to kids for days - they’d have been away for work and expecting to fly back that night.

I can imagine there was a portion of people who didn’t want to fly as well. Must have been a nightmare.

Been waiting for them to make part 2 for years

It’s as bad as GTA 6 at this rate