September 11 memories

Fucking hell.


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Iā€™d to stop reading that

I read that today (on an aeroplane) and Iā€™m wondering what was the point of it all?

The point of the attacks?

No, the long article/post

What is the point that the writer is trying to make, disputing/nit picking between statements made 20 years apart, to what end?

I was wondering the same myself. Is he claiming the EMT made up the story, or that the lady jumped?

I dunno, he seems to go to an AWFUL amount of effort to disprove the medics initial thought that she may have been a passenger on the plane, it seems needless and adds nothing to the 9/11 story

He seems to post a lot of content with titles such as ā€œObserving 9/11ā€™s Most Violent Deaths Part Two - The Jumper Landingsā€, so in fairness he probably does know what he is talking about.

Surely youd just leg it irrespective of footwear?!

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Thatā€™s actually incredible.

Itā€™s a forum.

Heā€™s some what of an expert or 9/11 fanatic.

Like our own experts here who write reams on the far right, it doesnā€™t necessarily have a purpose


OK, I was just wondering what he was trying to say, the introduction seemed to point to an exciting ending, but he seemed to be looking to dispute the medics oral testimony.
In short, it was a big waste of my time :man_shrugging:

I was only poking fun at him. Yeah the gist of it was the medic said this individual most likely didnā€™t jump from the tower, but according to all the encyclopedia of evidence this fella has put together on the subject they probably did.

That was it. That was the story.


The fact someone could remain alive for even the briefest of time after jumping that distance is fucked. When reading it i had an image similar to that of Bishop the android from Aliens who had his torso ripped in two but kept talking -

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People who commit suicide via train can linger on for a while. If the person chooses to lie down on the track and let their mid-section be run over by the wheels what often happens is their body is severed but the heat exerted by the train running over them ā€œweldsā€ the severance wound of the upper half of the body shut, and the person can lie there moaning or even talking for a few minutes, but with no stomach or liver or whatever else, and no hope of survival. I sometimes wonder does this happen for a few seconds with somebody who chooses to let the train decapitate them, thereby creating something similar to the scene Stewart Lee envisaged with the hypothetical, fictional death of former Top Gear presenter Richard The Hamster Hammond, whose head, in the Lee sketch, gets severed and falls into a pool of burning motor oil, where the severed head remains sentient for just enough time to go ā€œouch, thatā€™s hotā€, before dying.

I found it very hard to believe that someone was that alert and conscious of what was going around them to have those conversations with a firefighter, regardless if they jumped or were a passenger on one of the planes.


Yes, hes clearly implying Ernest is tin roofing, just goes about it quite awkwardly



Listened to a kind of mammoth podcast there about the whole thing.

A few takeaways.

There was an incredible amount of luck involved in the 19 terrorists pulling it off. I found it bizarre how lazy some of these lads were. A few of them were thrown out of flight school and got in bother for not turning up at take off or landing classes.

A 20th fella didnā€™t get into the states because heā€™d only 2k to his name and no return flight. Heā€™d no alibi either. Seemed awful amateurish to me.

One part suggested bin ladden was a little regretful and some of the others involved never thought it would go so far. I guess they thought maybe one flight would strike but they didnā€™t see the tower collapsing. Iā€™m not so sure on this.

I still find it bizarre every tower in Manhattan wasnā€™t evacuated when the first tower was hit. Similar to a fire drill. The fbi were worried for years that something like this could happen. Youā€™d think the minute it happened they would evacuate.

I was reading some people had left the second tower and then went back in shortly afterwards. Crazy stuff that cost a lot of lifes. I guess itā€™s easy be smart in hindsight.

A few other things were people suggested bush was a decent man but never recovered from that day and it fundamentally changed him forever.

Also a lot of the terrorists were normal lads growing up from all over the Middle East. They were not the pure evil types from the get go.