September 11 memories

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Zero hour a history of 9/11

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Your generation will likely never understand this but internal US flights at the time were akin to getting a bus from Limerick to Dublin. There was no checks whatsoever and little to no security.

Even coming into the county was subject to fairly abject checks. They generally didn’t give a shit and might find some lads by luck. So the lads being amateurs were doing what they expected the checks to be most likely

I did the tour of the museum in NY. One of the lads with the box cutters triggered the metal detector at airport but he was patted down and waved on. They have the CCTV showing the lad who waved him on. How must he feel.

Arra, you win some you lose some


You could literally walk in and buy a ticket and walk on to a plane from NY to Dallas. If you were taking someone to the airport, you’d walk up to the gate with them and wave goodbye, shake hands, hug or whatever right at the gate. If you traveled a lot you’d get in the habit of being dropped off 5 or 10 min before your plane was scheduled to depart and run in the front door and up to the gate and onto the plane.

Don’t forget you used to be able to smoke on planes too, granted you had to sit in the “smoking section”.
Different times.

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Sure DB Cooper got a bomb on, and indeed off, a plane with fuck all checks.

Like buses they were

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Good old DB Cooper.


I reckon they felt they were safe enough to skip the landing classes.


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Ya but it just strikes me as something that would set off a red flag.

They were also asking to learn how to fly a Boeing plane and had no interest in learning on a small plane first.

I seen they came within 200 feet of crashing into another place while in the air.

It seemed to be a massive communications failure too. I guess you learn from your mistakes and in this case it was a brutal learning curve.

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It was clearly an inside job. These idiots were flagged and allowed carry it out.


Don’t some reckon that many of the hijackers didn’t know about the “suicide” aspect of the mission?

We Did It Mic Drop GIF


I guess it’s possible that they didn’t all know, maybe the guys doing the flying knew but the ones needed to take the cabin etc didn’t.

I think they knew they weren’t coming back tbh.

What I found amazing was a few of these lads met at a mosque in Hamburg and were hired guns.

I had ignorantly figured it was like an Ira type group of members and these fellas were almost raised with the idea of doing this from the get go.

A few of them seemed completely normal lads that became radicalised over time.

Bin laden was also regularly boosting about the potential attacks in the lead up to it. It wasn’t quite the operation I thought.

Border security was an issue that John McCain actually pushed in the 2000 GOP Primaries. I think if he had won those Primaries (he would have won the election too imo) that we may not have had 9/11 although something would have ultimately happened on US soil.

It was still a serious operation. Hijacking four planes simultaneously needed serious logistical planning. The lads all moved to the US, on visas, in order to perpetrate it. And then there’s flight school, which isn’t exactly cheap.

Bin Laden had a serious record of pulling off attacks too. This wasn’t his first rodeo

Can we even be sure it was Bin Laden?