September 11 memories

[quote=“SHANNONSIDER, post: 621691”]
If there’s an Al Queda dude hanging out in Ireland are the yanks allowed to send a drone over to kill him like they do in Pakistan?
[/quote]I’m quite sure they would if we weren’t prepared to sort it out ourselves.

And if someone kills 3000 people going about their daily business you’re supposed to stop and ask why did they do it?[quote=“Watch The Break, post: 621692”]

Dershowitz is a raving lunatic. Everyone is Hitler. Everyone is anti-semetic. The Israelis murder an unarmed family? If you have a problem with it you’re a Nazi.

Oh I think America killed a lot more than 3,000, you’re missing a couple of zeroes at least there.

Wouldn’t that be a breach of airspace and an extra judicial killing though?

I am sure it would be. Would that make it wrong?[quote=“SHANNONSIDER, post: 621699”]

Wouldn’t that be a breach of airspace and an extra judicial killing though?

Is it that Fisk has become predictable, or the things he writes about have become predictable? I would say the latter.

What time are you heading down to the mosque today Sid?

9:11 of course mate, in fact I’m here right now.

Good man. Say a prayer for me.

Apparently there’s a fairly senior Al Qaeda person living in Goatstown. Has regular Garda surveillance on his house.

Probably the guy that “radicalised” Sid.

he also believes oj and claus von bulow are innocent

It was the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles that radicalised me, dude. Radical.

I watched it all happening on sky news that morning through the one good eye I had at that time.
It was two days after the AI hurling final of 2001. Tipp had won and, a busload of Carrick scumbags decided to stop off in Callan to have a few and see what mischief they could cause. Ended up in a mass brawl in the Steppes involving a lot of them and a lot of us locals and copped a sweet right hook to the eye. Had the shiner for a few days too. I was working in Langtons at the time and got plenty of slagging for it.
I look back on it all now and laugh.

Not the twin towers bit though. That was awful.
I still have my little ticket stub from when myself, Ron Jones and his brother went up to the top of it in the summer of 99.
Wonder if it’s worth anything?

The most interesting thing about reading Fisk, is that his views on people like Mubarak, Assad, Gadaffi, all of a sudden become de rigueur once the Brits or the Yanks turn on the relevant dictator. Up to that point, the usual sycophants accuse him of anti-americanism, anti-semitism, and all the usual old shite until the fateful day arrives when the Downing Street or White House Press Secretary decides the relevant party is one of the ‘bad guys’.

Suddenly, everything Fisk has been saying for decades is vital evidence! And the sycophants borrow freely from him to ingratiate themselves. We can only hope this someday will be the case with the Israeli government. the Saudis. and the Pakistanis. The great thing about Fisk is that to him, murder is murder no matter who’s responsible. You can’t say that for many of his so called colleagues.

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Aye, I was in second year or something. Remember not giving a shit.

Celtic’s American born goalkeeper Dominic Cervi on Twitter:

“We will never forget: Those responsible, those who still fight for our country’s freedom and those lost in the attacks 10 years ago. God Bless America.”

I’m sure Flano, briantinnion and all the other Americans will pay their own tributes throughout the day.

I’m glad that this is over. Other than listening to the stories of the victims families, its been the most puke inducing orgy of self congratulatory self indulgence I’ve seen. Every fucking doco on over the weekend (and there were about 986 of them) has included one of Bush / Cheney / Rumsfeld / Rice banging on with their horrible war mongering cliche ridden self justification for the subsequent murder of hundreds of thousands of people who had nothing to do with Sept 11th. Its been wholly disgusting on an industrial scale.

FFS, The Discovery Channel during ad breaks had their presenters shiteing on about where they were on Sept 11th, I mean thay had one of the skippers from Deadliest Catch on about how he was waiting for a flight to Norway, or that ubercunt Bear Grylls about how he was tucking into a cockroach salad or some such. I really couldn’t give a fuck what Bear Grylls was doing on any day in history, never mind Sept 11th.

Have to say it’s been an emotional day here in NYC and credit to Rocko and Bandage for sending me to cover it in NYC for TFK.

All ye cunts can make your smart remarks about American imperialism but at the end of the day it was a shocking, tragic day for Western civilisation. You can bang on about Iraqi civilians or Afghan civilians but I don’t ever remember 2,700+ of them dying in a single act. Met a lot of firemen out today boozing the bars and you couldn’t not be touched by their stories, those who died were just ordinary lads out doing the job and I hope their mates who are out tonight are cashing in on the 9/11 anniversary and smashing birds all round them.

God bless America.