September 11 memories

To steal the joke from Peep Show, it May have been terrible news but it gave for great news. The news was unreal that day

I was at my desk and heard of first plane. They thought it was a small light plane.

A pal of mine was in tower when first plane hit. He was on elevator up to lifts. He only told me about it after I knew him a few years.

Another friend brother was killed. He was in one of top floors.

I was on the magic road in Waterford when I heard the news. I then drove to a pub just outside Dungarvan and drank pints all afternoon.

I’ll never forget that day. The car actually rolled uphill.


I had a match with the Boro the night of it. It was surreal going through the motions of the warm up and team talk etc.

The ref came in about 10 minutes before kick off and called it off. It was the right thing to do

It was?

Agreed, it was.

Was it?

It was.

For sure?

I was a pup working in Dell computers - Watched the second plane hit while in the canteen - Some great tv then for the next 10 or so hours

Well said - it sure was.

Uncomfortable day for a man with your Arab features I imagine.

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I was on home turf - we’d be known - it’s when I go outside the environs of Limerick city shit gets shady.

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I was down the fields all day on 9/11/2001, topping rushes off a few meadows to get them set for the winter.

My Dad called to me in the car around 5pm to take over the last bit while I got something to eat. His usual smiley face was not what greeted me that day.

‘All the talk is about what is happening over in America. Planes flew into buildings - and its what they meant to do it’.

He would not have been up to date hugely with the workings of Al Qaeda but he knew it was bad. I got in to the car, stuck on 5 Live and they were saying that the World Trade Centre towers had been knocked down. I couldn’t believe it but also had an eye on the Liverpool Boavista match due to go ahead that night and hoping it wouldn’t be cancelled. #fottixalert

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Sid tried very hard on this forum.

My current company lost a number of employees that day. RIP. My current US boss was manning the phones that week answering the calls of people ringing in looking for their family members. I know one guy in our London office that got out of tower one. shut down posting for 24 hours as a mark of respect.


My auld lad hated (and still does hate) the news channels and the tabloid journalism they regularly throw out. But that afternoon he and I were hopping around every channel from 501 to 512 on the Sky Box trying to find more info.

When the live images showed the 2nd plane hitting I think I was convinced it was a recording of the first plane from a different angle. A very good mate of mine was either on the top of the twin towers or in the general area at the exact same time the previous morning.

Posh gits. Some of us had to make do with a car radio.

Lapsed poster @iamthegaffer was in New York at the time on a J1. Apparently he got absolutely shitfaced the previous night and was woken the next morning by a pile of people shouting ‘LET’S GO TO WAR!!’

We had a Sky Box with a UK card in it registered to my brothers old house in Newcastle. Full sports package and the whole lot. To this day, we have no idea who was paying the bill for it as he wasn’t. We got a good 5 odd years out of it before it was shut down.