September 11 memories

@Mac trying to turn a thread about 911 into a thread about himself


You hate to see it. And America after giving him a start in Dublin.

@Fagan_ODowd cut the shite out of you the first time you told that yarn.


So basically this thread is for people to say they watched sky news on 911


If you were going to post such a thing at least tidy it up.

Powers in Clarecastle

Twas Fagan who fucked up the original quoted post reply. He can clean up his own mess the…

Incorrect. I was in Portugal with a few mates on holidays. We watched it unfold in a bar on a Portugese equivalent. I think it was called Skyos Newsos. Our turkish/darker looking holiday companion got some dirty looks that week.


I’m sure you met lots of new swim friends that week.

And for you to stick your fat nose into others stories


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All ‘the blow themselves up’ motherfuckers will realise the minute they die that they were suckers.

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I had come back from lunch to my desk where I was working. One of the lads had it up on his screen what had happened. Then the news came through about the 2nd plane. Finished up around 2:30 and went home, watched Sky News then for the rest of the afternoon/evening.

Ffs farmer. Was it your first time driving a tractor?

Actually had a very awkward interaction with a receptionist recently.
I was booking a dental appointment and there was a bit of over and back trying to find a suitable date
“What about September 11th?” she says
“Grand, sure what could go wrong on September 11th” I says laughing
She looks at me blankly
“Ya, that’s grand, thanks”


i wonder is she posting on mumsnet about a freak that made a 9/11 joke?

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IT person in awkward real life conversation shocker


I wouldn’t say it clicks instantly with a lot of people because we’d call it 11/9

I was working over in Boston at the time. Week previous, I flew down to Manhatten for a lenders meeting.
I remember a couple of girls in the office saying that a plane just crashed into the twin towers. I never heard of the twin towers so it really did not register with me what was going on.
My brother was working for same bank as me but on a different floor. He called me to say that Mum rang and said to leave the building. We were working in one of the highest buildings in Boston, down the financial district.
Soon after, the building was evacuated. It was surreal seeing everyone trying to make their way home as trains were not working.
Myself and the brother took a stroll down to china town and spent the afternoon in the glass slipper, the biggest dive of a strip club in boston.


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