September 11 memories

With the passage of time what is the forum’s take on George W Bush and his handling of 9/11

In comparison to what is there now, I think Bush wasn’t a bad guy but was out of his depth particularly at the time.

Gun tootin’ wankers like Cheney were only too happy to jump in. And then came the suppression of civil liberties in the name of the war on terror.

yep, the “patriot” Act


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The perfect idiot to have in place …

How much was known pre attack we’ll never know but hard to believe these guys were operating in the US for a while without any suspicion.

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The whole Weapons of Mass Destruction situation was shocking really.

Countries making up known lies in order to justify invading another. A really scary precedent being set.


Watch The Looming Tower on Amazon, or better still read the book

Is it ‘out there’ or does it have some credence?

Fact based account


A simpleton. The CIA come out of it worst though, couldn’t protect the country from attack even though they had all the evidence they needed of an imminent attack (just like they couldn’t prevent the assassination of a president while supposedly keeping an eye on his would be assassin).

A construction company I worked for were moving office from the East Village to Midtown there a couple of years ago, I go to one of the bosses “Are you all packed up?” He told me he is only taking one thing, a set of plans from the World Trade Center, he was meant to be there that morning for a meeting but was too busy to go, his project manger, a foreman and 2 Laborers died.


Someone contact the CIA

Holding fort in the Florida school was bad enough but holding the kids book upside down was the real giveaway

I was working in a hardware store/ farm supply store on 9/11. Life was good, Tipp had won the AI two days previously and I was starting college the following week.

I can remember Phil Cawly mentioning it on Today FM around 2.05 talking about it. We turned on the tv and were obsessed by it. A real ignorant pig ignorant roaster farmer came in while we were watching it and announced that he was sure Osama Bin Laden done it. It was the first time I had ever heard his name mentioned.

I remember meeting a relatively high up Irish army lad a few years later. I asked him about what was the Irish response that day. He told me he spent the day putting some new recruits through their paces that day out on the Curragh. When they returned to camp that evening there was a buzz around the place. He asked one of his colleagues what was happening and got a reply along the following lines, " a plane crashed into one of the twin towers, so they sent up another plane to have a look and see what happened and it crashed into the other one"


Mrs Pox has a good few family in NYC. She has a cousin who worked in NYFD. He facilitated a colleague by changing shifts with him that day and subsequently wasn’t working. Everyone working in that crew that day were killed as they were one of the first crews at the scene. Only met him in 2014 for the first time but wasn’t aware of his back story. It was a long time before I asked someone what they do for a living after that. He broke down in front of me talking about of it. He was over here in January and he is a shell of a man psychologically scarred by it.

The 9/11 museum at the foot of freedom tower is a sobering experience. Been there twice and would go again. Recordings of final phone calls made and the videos of jumpers are harrowing.


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nypd-ground-zero-never-forget-jersey-team-jersey-1 nypd-ground-zero-never-forget-jersey-navy-red-1_1

Classy touch to release this today by O’Neills


You lucky man

You’d miss all that venom and anger that @Fitzy could muster.

In fairness @Fat_Pox is doing an admirable job on the working in a DIY store in clonmel angle