Shit that makes you feel old

Can we guess? Colonoscopy? Diabetes? Humpback?

Nope. Varicose veins. Heard a bad tale of a lad who got a clip of one hurling. Want to stay hurling away without that worry. There are also the long term issues involved.

My auld man had a good laugh at me tonight about it. He got them done last year at 74.


I got mine done 10 years ago. Not necessarily an age thing, more genetics

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All that rich food ye ate during the famine


That’s gout mate

This shit….


Junior Cert :hushed:

I’ve bad news for you kid. You are old

You’re only around 35? You post like a 43 year old.


I’m wise beyond my e-years

Is that cunt @The_Runt the same age as you too?


@Copper_pipe probably hadn’t the first communion made.

He had.
He put all his communion money into bitcoin. Now nobody knows if ge still has it or not.

I had reason to ascend and descend a ladder several times this morning. My knees are goosed.

Like a 43 year old child.

Flat screens are heavy.

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I’m in bed and I can hear Orbital belting out from the Marquee.

So can I :flushed:

You have a valid reason, bro

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Are you in Cark? They’re fairly pumping it out. It’s like it’s taking place in the estate… God speed young ravers.