Shit that makes you feel old

I’d say about 20 out of 25 boys from my primary school class went to the convent. Unfortunately back in those days, the perception was that the thickos went to the tech. That’s all changed since of course.

I assume it is the Tech that Donal Madden is the principal of

It is. It’s called Newport College now

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  1. I went for a medical appt today for an afflication that hits what i thought was for old people.

  2. The consultant was younger than me.


Can we guess? Colonoscopy? Diabetes? Humpback?

Nope. Varicose veins. Heard a bad tale of a lad who got a clip of one hurling. Want to stay hurling away without that worry. There are also the long term issues involved.

My auld man had a good laugh at me tonight about it. He got them done last year at 74.


I got mine done 10 years ago. Not necessarily an age thing, more genetics

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All that rich food ye ate during the famine


That’s gout mate

This shit….


Junior Cert :hushed:

I’ve bad news for you kid. You are old

You’re only around 35? You post like a 43 year old.


I’m wise beyond my e-years

Is that cunt @The_Runt the same age as you too?


@Copper_pipe probably hadn’t the first communion made.

He had.
He put all his communion money into bitcoin. Now nobody knows if ge still has it or not.

I had reason to ascend and descend a ladder several times this morning. My knees are goosed.

Like a 43 year old child.

Flat screens are heavy.

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