Shit that makes you feel old

And ask for my money back. I got a new table by the way

Catherine Nevin was the same age as I am now when she got the husband murdered.

This is the one I couldn’t get over


just spotted your avatar in a youtube clip this morning Jimmy :sweat_smile: . It always bugged me.


I’d say you’re looking better than she did, the oul hatchet face wench

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There should be a gif made out of it really!


I felt old this morning. Home place is near a bus company. Before a big concert you’d often see loads and loads of hot young wans wearing half nothing. This morning was no different. Plenty flesh on display. Yet, rather than thinking “oh look at the hole on her” all that was going through my mind was “will she not be freezing?”


RTÉ gold is on the tv. Laura Brannigan followed by Cheryl Cole.

Hitting the pub for 12 and wondering how to pace myself for the Spain game later.

Have a pot of tea around 4pm. You’ll be brand new after it.

Whatever about Laura Brannigan, Cheryl Cole on rte gold wouldn’t be good sign

I not that kinda guy.

Very true. Laura Brannigan’s Self Control was a great song back in my yooof.


Time to shop for your cardigan

I’m on my fourth cardigan

I opted for the zip up hoodie, Adidas the preferred, it does the job and I don’t need slippers to match.
Hot tip there for free

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The wife buys me limerick half zips now instead of the short sleeved jerseys. More practical


O’Niells are safe so for another 100 years :laughing:

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You must suspect the Missus has similar planned for that to come to your mind :flushed:

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Yamal’s father :face_vomiting: