Shit that makes you feel old

The children of the ould lad living next door (he’s in a nursing home and won’t be coming home) are cleaning out the house and shed. They must be thinking of renting the house. How does that ‘fair deal’ thing work? Sounds complicated.

Anyway, they asked me if I wanted some plant pots as they could see I’m obviously into greenhouse potted plants. There must have been hundreds of them in the shed. I took about half of them, the stronger and more suitable ones, size wise.

When I was putting them away I realised most of them were never used, with the price in £’s still on them. He did a good bit of gardening back in his hay-day, mostly vegetables and cut flowers for the church. So he must have gotten the pots off some other lad who died previously and never used them.

It felt a bit like I’m next in line…


Barbers asks if you want your eyebrows trimmed


Be grateful. There’s a lot that go in and that’s the only hair that needs trimmed.


Starting to grunt involuntarily while getting up off a sofa.


Fuck it, moshing it last night at Kneecap made me feel young, until feeling like i was having a heart attack made me feel old again


I remember after our first was born , we were living in Clarecastle at the time. I’d say about a month later we came over to Kilkenny for the weekend to see my parents. I was taking her for a stroll in the pram and bumped into a neighbour. I’ll never forget his words to me “ be good to her. She’ll be choosing your nursing home”


Playing golf with Bod Junior, try as I might and I still have a good dig off the tee, he just :bomb: it past me the whole time, I’ve raged raged against the dying of the light but have accepted it now.


Embrace it

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Joys, but enjoy it, hope you’ll not end up like me someday,
Went from raising my boy full time
to barely getting a visit now,
I’d get an audience with Pope Francis quicker
Know they have to leave the nest but it’s bloody awful lonely when they do,
Face time is good but just having them around the gaff is irreplaceable


Heard a good one the other day. Stiflers Mom in American pie was 38 at the time of filming. That made me feel old.


Shocked Christmas Vacation GIF by filmeditor

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Went back boxing this morning after too many weeks off, i cluding 3 weeks on holiday. Felt like i was barely able to hit the bag. Christ i felt old. Fucked now.


Keep at it

Need to take time out aswell

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My favourite bird. I love herons since i was a young lad. Super chilled, most graceful flying style. Love them.

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A white egret has taken up residence in the inlet at Cloghernagh near here. Beautiful animal.


Spotted an otter aswell this morning,Lees a lot cleaner last few years

Previously a rare enough visitor the Little Egret first bred in Ireland in 1997 and there are now records from all 32 counties - the site of the first breeding record was in west Waterford along the Blackwater.

2 other ‘white’ egrets - the Great Egret and Cattle Egret - are also encountered far more frequently in Ireland than previously but there are no known breeding records for these yet.

All 3 species traditionally had a southern distribution in Europe but have expanded northwards, along with a range of dragonfly and butterfly species, into Ireland in recent years as temperatures have increased. Little Egrets got a bad doing in the Winters of 2010/11 but bounced back reasonably quickly.


Watching Washington at the Jets in the NFL preseason here. Marcus Mariota is 10 years an NFL player.