Shocking events which shocked you on TFK

Aren’t you the lad who was begging for likes a few weeks ago? You’ve landed on your feet now anyway, guaranteed two for every inane comment you make, it’s a lonely road though being a cunt on the Internet, it’s also likely to spill over into the real world as well, it’s sad to see.

When was I begging for likes?

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Feck it will find them if he’s bothered, I’m not that fucking sad to go trawling through historic posts to prove a point to my ‘mates’ :joy:
Your a fucking idiot, those fuckers will chew you up and spit you out,

It’s called search. I typed in “feck it” and “escort” and it was the first post.

basic internet skills that concy can’t get his head around

That’s a clamping for me right there :grinning:

Welcome to the big league kid.

Your man with all the tackies is taking this very badly. He sided with that imbecile @feck_it simply because the drugged up simpleton was having a pop off me but he backed a very very lame horse.
Schoolboy error and he has taken it very poorly indeed.
Some retail therapy needed here maybe and a trip to the shoe shop on William street is surely on the cards tomorrow.


No offence pal but I don’t know feck it from Adam, I’ve sided with nobody, I’m just intrigued by the politics at play.

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I’m shocked by this…

You are correct son. I was going to treat myself but did so with a bag of coke and weed instead. Thats not to say I didn’t before but not in Ireland…ive a story from amsterdamage that would shock and awe…a point here though is lads making out they are men of the god yet break one of the sacred rules… Id say the only time they ever saw a bible is in a hotel room awaiting their mistress to arrive…


I am not judging you mate. I am not self righteous like @backinatracksuit or @Horsebox


It’s even worse than that feckit. Personally I couldn’t care less who rides who as long as I am getting some myself is all that matters. Its the utter hypocrisy that’s the issue though, they are the modern day equivalent of the generations who went before them that had no problem riding or in many cases raping the town bicycle, but God forbid if she got knocked up they had no problem locking her up for life in a hellhole. Always seen prominently at mass though.


There isent a hope in hell you could knock up a modern day escort, if that s something that worries you.

What’s the sacred rule ?

Mind your tool?


Not one of God’s sacred rulesafaik, @feck_it what is the sacred rule we are breaking that has you driven to drugs?

One of the thou shalt nots…are you not aware of gods teachings? Obviously not, apologies. Think it 8 or 9. You need a good bible lesson pal.

Thou shalt not make love to beautiful women?

Never heard of it.

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