Should Gerry Adams stay on as Leader of Sinn Fein?

Agreed, but a prominent journalist told an awful story about him being involved in a beating and “execution” in a pub the journalist happened to be in.
As regards your statement, I agree unreservedly. I think it is a more habitable place for every right minded person whatever 'community" they belong to.

[QUOTE=“flattythehurdler, post: 1035229, member: 1170”]Agreed, but a prominent journalist told an awful story about him being involved in a beating and “execution” in a pub the journalist happened to be in.
As regards your statement, I agree unreservedly. I think it is a more habitable place for every right minded person whatever 'community" they belong to.[/QUOTE]

I’d like to hear more about this. Was this reported in the public domain or a conversation you were privy to?

From reading last few pages it appears some of em do.

The timing of these revelations are excellent for Fianna Gail providing a huge distraction from the contentious issue of water charges. My own skeptical view of Sinn Fein would be that if they were to get power they would toe the EU line just as quick, but that’s besides the point.

Adam’s has to be under severe pressure from within the party particularly if more victims speak out. I can’t see him step down as party leader until he want’s to go, and I don’t think McDonald or Doherty have the balls or disloyalty (whatever you want to call it) to take him on.

The IRA Courts where the abuser met the victim where clearly wrong and he needs to address this for the sake of his and Sinn Fein’s future.

Are Sinn Fein also now quislings for colluding with the Brits?

The timing of these revelations have Frank Underwoods finger prints all over them.


Maybe not colluding, but attending funerals (Paisley’s comes to mind, taking the queens pound and power sharing with the most bigotted crowd since the boors in South Africa in Stormont.

They have gone a long way to bringing a sectarian state where nationalists did not have the same rights to voting, habitable living conditions, work and education to one which they now enjoy a much more habitable existence. The Provos were formed as there was no reasonable alternative at that time, now the political avenue is the one chosen to achieve their goal.

I agree with all of that and it should be recognised and applauded, but did the quisling Lynch as you put it not want the same rights for Nationalists?

Nothing. He did nothing for the nationalists of the North when they were at their most vulnerable, his cowardice gave rise to the Provos.

The provos came to prominence after Bloody Sunday and a lot more atrocities carried out by the Brits and in my opinion rightly so. I would love a united Ireland, but think it’s further away then ever despite the 30 years plus of bloodshed.

The Provos came to prominence after the sacking of Bombay Street.

Absolutely, but Sinn Fein/IRA’s goal of a United Ireland is just as far away as it was in 1969 in my opinion unfortunately. Adam’s to his credit was a huge instigater of peace and history will be kind to him. He is clearly a legendary leader and I feel sorry for him in a lot of ways, but it’s hard for me to reconcile the other aspects of his past growing up in the south.

The Provos were set up to protect the nationalist community first and foremost.

We were closer in 69. The Brits are going nowhere while there is relative peace . The border is going nowhere if we just go about our lives. We should’ve learned this by now.

Absolutely and they did that, but this case of sexual abuse should have been dealt with differently. The supposed abuser should never have been put in the same room as the victim.

Should it have been dealt with better? Absolutely.

The alleged abuser would be in the same courtroom in a court of law as the victim. The Provos were ill-equipped to deal with this but this is where the context of the situation needs to be taken into account, the other alternative avenues did not sit well with the involved parties. The whole furore surrounding the case now is utterly bizarre. Fianna Fail and Fine Gael clearly have no comprehension of what the political situation was like in the O6 back then.

That doesn’t amount to a cover-up.

[QUOTE=“Il Bomber Destro, post: 1035388, member: 2533”]Should it have been dealt with better? Absolutely.

The alleged abuser would be in the same courtroom in a court of law as the victim. The Provos were ill-equipped to deal with this but this is where the context of the situation needs to be taken into account, the other alternative avenues did not sit well with the involved parties. The whole furore surrounding the case now is utterly bizarre. Fianna Fail and Fine Gael clearly have no comprehension of what the political situation was like in the O6 back then.[/QUOTE]

Agreed and they are making serious political gains out of a awful case which is wrong. Gerry needs to clarify his position on this, without taking the piss this was never his trump card in the past and this could rumble on and ultimately be disastrous for Sinn Fein.