Should Gerry Adams stay on as Leader of Sinn Fein?

The supposed IRA “Kangaroo Court” found Martin Morris guilty while the court of the six county statelet found him innocent.

And quite interesting Enda Kenny, Micheal Martin and the Sunday Independent are prepared to accept the IRA’s verdict over that of the supposedly legitimate court.

Yet it’s the IRA who covered things up?

[QUOTE=“Sidney, post: 1035399, member: 183”]The supposed IRA “Kangaroo Court” found Martin Morris guilty while the court of the six county statelet found him innocent.

And quite interesting Enda Kenny, Micheal Martin and the Sunday Independent are prepared to accept the IRA’s verdict over that of the supposedly legitimate court.

Yet it’s the IRA who covered things up?[/QUOTE]

What was his sentence Sidney?

[QUOTE=“Sidney, posf 1035399, member: 183”]The supposed IRA “Kangaroo Court” found Martin Morris guilty while the court of the six county statelet found him innocent.

And quite interesting Enda Kenny, Micheal Martin and the Sunday Independent are prepared to accept the IRA’s verdict over that of the supposedly legitimate court.

Yet it’s the IRA who covered things up?[/QUOTE]
Case closed

His alleged victim didn’t want any action taken against him.

The mind boggles, I really don’t get that reasoning at all

Interesting that as recently as 2011 Mairia Cahill was on the Ard Comhairle of the dissident Republican Network for Unity group, which opposes the Good Friday Agreement and the PSNI.

So, at least until very recently, she was clearly of the opinion that the RUC/PSNI could not deliver any sort of justice for the Catholic/Nationalist/Republican community.

“RNU oppose the Dublin and Stormont parliaments as counter revolutionary bodies tasked with promoting the partition of Ireland and maintaining domestic and foreign capitalism in this country.”

[QUOTE=“Sidney, post: 1035399, member: 183”]The supposed IRA “Kangaroo Court” found Martin Morris guilty while the court of the six county statelet found him innocent.

And quite interesting Enda Kenny, Micheal Martin and the Sunday Independent are prepared to accept the IRA’s verdict over that of the supposedly legitimate court.

Yet it’s the IRA who covered things up?[/QUOTE]

Sindo last week lead with the banner headline


[QUOTE=“Sidney, post: 1035435, member: 183”]Interesting that as recently as 2011 Mairia Cahill was on the Ard Comhairle of the dissident Republican Network for Unity group, which opposes the Good Friday Agreement and the PSNI.

So, at least until very recently, she was clearly of the opinion that the RUC/PSNI could not deliver any sort of justice for the Catholic/Nationalist/Republican community.

“RNU oppose the Dublin and Stormont parliaments as counter revolutionary bodies tasked with promoting the partition of Ireland and maintaining domestic and foreign capitalism in this country.”[/QUOTE]

Fine Gael unwittingly advancing the interests of hardline Republican dissidents would be a delightful twist.

Nothing unwitting about it I’d say. Sinn Fein are/where becoming a threat

[QUOTE=“farmerinthecity, post: 1035458, member: 24”]Sindo last week lead with the banner headline


The Sindo isn’t worthy of the term rag.

Something not right with her imo, I doubt we are getting full facts from her, I’ll be honest.
I read today about an alleged 12 month affair between the two which indo is reporting as disgraceful stories. Nowhere do they say it’s untrue though!

I don’t think we have been given the context of the events. Sidneys post on the previous page is an interesting piece, is there more to it?

[QUOTE=“Sidney, post: 1035435, member: 183”]Interesting that as recently as 2011 Mairia Cahill was on the Ard Comhairle of the dissident Republican Network for Unity group, which opposes the Good Friday Agreement and the PSNI.

So, at least until very recently, she was clearly of the opinion that the RUC/PSNI could not deliver any sort of justice for the Catholic/Nationalist/Republican community.

“RNU oppose the Dublin and Stormont parliaments as counter revolutionary bodies tasked with promoting the partition of Ireland and maintaining domestic and foreign capitalism in this country.”[/QUOTE]
that does add a different element to things. i had not realised she was a member of dissident republican group. maybe the timing of when these allegations are put into context there is more to this.

we now have a situation where Enda and the boys are falling over each other to meet an alleged rape victim whose allegations were not held up by the only legal system FG recognized in the north.
the only court to find her victim guilty was made up of people Enda and his boys hunted down and imprisoned and would not allow speak publicly for decades, and their gripe is that this court did not go far enough.
Then we have fellas on here labeling SF leaders as quislings because they attended Ian Paisley’s funeral, when anyone looking on is applauding the risks they are taking for peace.
Enda and the boys may now be colluding with a dissident agenda in trying to undermine the leaders of repuclicanism who are holding peace together.

At times like this it takes the bravery of @artfoley to cut through the bullshit and see it for what it is. Id say the Indo are wetting themselves and wishing it was sunday already.
Heard fintan o toole on the wireless yesterday giving it loads about SF not dealing with this correctly, like the replublican movement was jam full of paramilitary child protection officers ready to deal with this stuff. he is an unbercock, i would not be surprised to hear that @artfoley just glasses him one day soon, now that he has embraced physical force republicanism. Remember the ceasefire art, its not easy but we need to hold the line.

[QUOTE=“Special Olympiakos, post: 1035510, member: 366”]Something not right with her imo, I doubt we are getting full facts from her, I’ll be honest.
I read today about an alleged 12 month affair between the two which indo is reporting as disgraceful stories. Nowhere do they say it’s untrue though![/QUOTE]
If you are happy to accept ongoing child abuse as “an affair”.

if you are happy to call a love affair between two consenting adults child abuse

i now believe this diso is full of shit

If thats the case its even worse than whats been reported and if she had been subjected to a year long abuse, her other cousin Eilis O Hanlon would have made sure the Indo the reported it.

Reading between the lines she was riding yer man consensually on and off for a year. Something happened then she cried rape. happens with women all the time.

Enda and sean brady whose actions ensured paedophiles escaped to rape again in other parishes. But according to enda, its just a matter for brady to consider

It’s definitely a very emotive subject, and people get very agitated if you try to put forward an opinion that doesn’t concur absolutely with the media furore and the very obvious mock outrage of the unholy alliance of several political parties and others who are taking great delight at the sight of Gerry Adams’ obvious discomfort at being villified in the Dail and in the media and having his lame sounding objections twisted by Kenny & co.
To suggest that his oponents aren’t cashing in massively and trying to score political points out of this is just nonsense. Of course they are.
Mairia Cahill is clerarly a very capable young woman. She is very determined to get her message across, and to work with any political party or state agency from any jurisdiction that will suit her objective.
My advice to Majestic Shannon is that it’s best to keep such controversial opinions to yourself. The response is certain to include allegations of supporting child molesters, being “rapey” or other indefensible allegations.
But I can understand why some uninvolved members of the public are starting to tire of the sight and sound of Mairia and her ever present mentor, Auntie Eilis O’Hanlon.
She complained to several leading Sinn Fein women in 1999/2000 yet she was surprised when the IRA started asking questions.
She chose not to co-operate with the IRA in their investigation of this man Morris, and was told that the IRA would then have no option but to drop the charges against him and he would therefore have to be released from house arrest, leaving open the possibility that at some stage in the future, they might bump into each other in West Belfast. She interprets that as a threat.
She goes to the PSNI and makes statements, including making damaging statements against three other people not involved in her sex abuse, alleging that they are all senior IRA members. She goes along with this right up to the point of taking the stand, then she withdraws her evidence.
She re tells her story to her Aunt in her capacity as Sunday Independent columnist and they soon have an eager press and media preparing this trial by television. Her account is very favourably dealt with, every aspect of her story is given a sympathetic hearing and none of the glaring inconsistencies in her story are questioned by her interviewers. Unlike what would happen in a court of law.
And before I’m pulled up over this as I certainly will be, I’m referring to her allegation about Morris hassling her in court, the possibility of CCTV coverage at the lift when she calaimed Morris waited around and glared at her leaving the court, and several other matters which would seriously undermine her credibility such as the surprise witness/ “suspect” who turned up for the defence etc.
She complains that Sinn Fein haven’t the decency to sit down and meet with her. Mary Lou issues a fast invite to meet with her any time, but Mairia responds with the pre-condition that Sinn Fein must first publicly accept that “everything I’m saying is true” before whe will meet them.
Gerry Adams issues an open apology to any victim of sexual abuse who , in teh absence of a proper policing service, were failed by any IRA investigations into their cases. Mairia says this isn’t good enough for her, and tha talthough Gerry did apologise to her in their meeting back in 2000 she should have a personal apology now from Gerry Adams.
This morning, Sinn Fein (woman ) minister Caral Ni Chuilin issued a public statement urging Mairia to to sit down and have another meeting with Gerry Adams.
I wonder what the next statement will be?

Agree with most of that, but if she is telling the truth, you can see her point about not wanting to sit down with Adams and/ or Mary Lou, both of whom have effectively called her a liar. I don’t know how to respond to people who genuinely think this constitited an affair between consenting adults.
I have no interest in seeing Gerry Adams vilified whatever, he is a great force for good and has been for years, far more so than kenny or any of his ilk. I do have issues with the way he allowed his brother to continue unmolested as a youth worker, when he knew what the man was capable of. If a.n. other had molested Adams niece over years, they would have met a sterner response I would think.

[QUOTE=“The Selfish Giant, post: 1035595, member: 80”]if you are happy to call a love affair between two consenting adults child abuse

i now believe this diso is full of shit[/QUOTE]
If it were consenting adults, why the reaction at the time. I think you know well enough that this wasnt the case. If you believe Maria Cahill was a consenting adult throughout this then this is not a debate worth having, so I’ll leave it there. I hope you are as understanding/dismissive if or when it is one of yours on the end.