Should Gerry Adams stay on as Leader of Sinn Fein?

[QUOTE=“flattythehurdler, post: 1035721, member: 1170”]??
If it were consenting adults, why the reaction at the time. I think you know well enough that this wasnt the case. If you believe Maria Cahill was a consenting adult throughout this then this is not a debate worth having, so I’ll leave it there. I hope you are as understanding/dismissive if or when it is one of yours suffering.[/QUOTE]

Christ, what a vile post

[QUOTE=“flattythehurdler, post: 1035721, member: 1170”]??
If it were consenting adults, why the reaction at the time. I think you know well enough that this wasnt the case. If you believe Maria Cahill was a consenting adult throughout this then this is not a debate worth having, so I’ll leave it there. I hope you are as understanding/dismissive if or when it is one of yours on the end.[/QUOTE]

it pains me to do this but post reported

I have also reported it. A bit of cop on wouldn’t go astray

this will prove whether that hooked nose hun cunt mac has any morals at all

sadly im not expecting much but a week ban would be the appropiate response

[QUOTE=“The Selfish Giant, post: 1035740, member: 80”]this will prove whether that hooked nose hun cunt mac has any morals at all

sadly im not expecting much but a week ban would be the appropiate response[/QUOTE]

i have also had to report that sick post from flattythehurdler as it crossed the line.
I can only hope for flattythehurdler’s sake that art the provo does not see this as he may not be so restrained in his reaction.

Art Foleys a provo
he wears a provos hat
he saw flatlys vile post
he said im not having that
he chased out of stockport and out of burnley too
and when he fuckin caught hin he beat him black and blue

[QUOTE=“flattythehurdler, post: 1035716, member: 1170”]Agree with most of that, but if she is telling the truth, you can see her point about not wanting to sit down with Adams and/ or Mary Lou, both of whom have effectively called her a liar. I don’t know how to respond to people who genuinely think this constitited an affair between consenting adults.
I have no interest in seeing Gerry Adams vilified whatever, he is a great force for good and has been for years, far more so than kenny or any of his ilk. I do have issues with the way he allowed his brother to continue unmolested as a youth worker, when he knew what the man was capable of. If a.n. other had molested Adams niece over years, they would have met a sterner response I would think.[/QUOTE]
This is what I don’t understand though, how a fellow could get away with raping Joe Cahills grand niece. I would have thought there would have been no questions asked and yer man would have ended up in an unmarked grave.

he wasnt raping her, he was courting her

Yeah, that was my initial reaction as well. It’s crazy.

I also find it strange that people are outraged that the IRA investigated the allegations. If Joe Cahill’s grand-niece is alleging rape at the hands of an IRA volunteer, would it not have been far stranger if they didn’t investigate it?

Fuck you.

Leo Varadkar was like a sulky child on the news there. Saying it was “very worrying” that Sinn Fein members aren’t trying to oust Adams.

It’s quite worrying that Fine Gael members aren’t trying to oust Enda Kenny give that has been conducting a kangaroo court against a man who was found not guilty by a real court, and conducting a kangaroo court against Gerry Adams based on nothing at all for the umpteenth time.

The real winner this week is the TFK. To watch Art Foley slowly emerge from progressive democrat/conservative veteran to a Republican stalwart is nothing short of spectacular. We are the winners, every last one of us.

I can’t wait til Chocolate Mice gets him on to the water charges thread. Hell hath no fury like a Foley scorned!!!

God bless you Art! God bless you.

[QUOTE=“tallback, post: 1034942, member: 1158”]If it’s such a massive own goal by FG/FF etc to address this with SF the why are the SF leadership and supporters so rattled by all of this?

Of course it’s being used as a political football, that tends to happen with all issues in politics and SF are well able to run with issues when the shoe is on the other foot. That’s probably the most surprising thing - the naïveté and whinging that they should be criticised at all.

With regard to electoral impact, it’s hard to know. Core support will be unaffected - they’ve already made their moral justifications re: Adams etc and one more victim won’t change that. At the margins it may make a small impact - reminding voters that SF have feet of clay like all the others. It probably will also keep SF fairly transfer resistant which is an increasing issue for them (see last by-election where FG transfers of all things pushed the socialist past them)[/QUOTE]

Enda down 6% in the polls shows, as usual, FG have made a fuck of it.

The lublic saw through instantly the photoshoot and the cynical manipulation of yerwan. The full facts have yet to come out but enda wont be smelling of roses

Kenny learning that kangaroo courts don’t provide a bounce.

[QUOTE=“artfoley, post: 1036295, member: 179”]Enda down 6% in the polls shows, as usual, FG have made a fuck of it.

The lublic saw through instantly the photoshoot and the cynical manipulation of yerwan. The full facts have yet to come out but enda wont be smelling of roses[/QUOTE]

And Adams down 7 with SF down 3 at a time where it should be tap in territory for opposition parties.

If it’s no big deal for SF then it’s unclear why their spokespersons have been so hysterical on the radio interviews I’ve heard.

[QUOTE=“tallback, post: 1036392, member: 1158”]And Adams down 7 with SF down 3 at a time where it should be tap in territory for opposition parties.

If it’s no big deal for SF then it’s unclear why their spokespersons have been so hysterical on the radio interviews I’ve heard.[/QUOTE]

they’re rattled.
Inda played them a their own game here, it’s utter gutter politics but you could argue this is the shinners playground ( pardon the horrible pun) for years, they all make me sick… i hope this backfires on Inda but also this is a serious thumb in the rectum for the shinners as well, its a great time to be in opposition now but it looks like its a bit fucked now for them when they should be on top, you reap what you sow i suppose

The Provos dispatched serial paedo Lord Mountbatten from the earth but they never get the credit they deserve for that.

[QUOTE=“tallback, post: 1036450, member: 1158”]That’s a bit of a David Quinn response, if a little incoherent.

I haven’t read one article yet saying Adams has to go (or that he’s evil or criticising his beard). I have read articles raising serious questions about the sequence of events and Adams credibility as his story evolves. I’ve also heard SF TDs refusing to engage or answer those questions and instead engaging in blind loyalty, whataboutery or (like you) implying that it’s all a media led or FG/FF conspiracy to do them down.[/QUOTE]
The only person engaging in whataboutery is you by referring to David Quinn.

The facts of the case have been explained ad nauseum on the thread and they don’t make pretty reading for the anti-Sinn Fein fanatics.

Adams has been consistent and up front. Cahill and the people that are (badly) advising her haven’t and have tied themselves in knots.

[QUOTE=“tallback, post: 1036392, member: 1158”]And Adams down 7 with SF down 3 at a time where it should be tap in territory for opposition parties.

If it’s no big deal for SF then it’s unclear why their spokespersons have been so hysterical on the radio interviews I’ve heard.[/QUOTE]
The real winners in all of this will, hopefully, be the irish people who have finally seen through the cynical politicing and heirarchy of victims by the main parties and the media and that is refexted in the poll numbers

On a week where 32000 teachers still await garda vetting and a woman who was raped whilst in tbe care of the state and had to go to europe to be vindicated still awaits her meeting with kenny 6 months later, our airwaves and dail are being taken up with mairia cahill. Hopefully it will lead to the demise of the rotten first second and foutth estates