Should Gerry Adams stay on as Leader of Sinn Fein?

He was very poor on Morning Ireland this morning “tell the EU to bugger off” :rolleyes:

So now Maíria Cahill is considering taking a civil case because she’s not happy at the “dripfeed” of information into the public domain.

The letters that Briege* Wright released where Cahill called her “kind, compassionate, committed and above all you gave me an ear when I needed it” doesn’t really tally with Cahill’s current descriptions of her meetings. But Cahill won’t really address that, instead she’s straight out saying there’s a campaign to damage her credibility. Well of course there is.

  • Briege is possibly not as abominable a spelling as MaĂ­ria but they’re two really poor names.

The indo assualt on Adams is gone beyond a joke at this stage and they are looking very foolish. He made a comment in New York about Michael Collins, telling the Indo the write it as a headline and they did :smiley:

“He went in, sent volunteers in, to the offices, held the editor at gun point and destroyed the entire printing press. That’s what he did. Now I can just see the headline in the Independent tomorrow, I’m obviously not advocating that,” he said, as the crowd laughed.

And the Indo duely oblige with:

[SIZE=6]Gerry Adams ‘editor at gunpoint’ remark at $500 a plate NY dinner[/SIZE]

INTERNATIONAL organisations that campaign for the protection and rights of journalists have expressed their shock after Gerry Adams openly joked about a newspaper editor being held at gunpoint.

The Sinn Fein leader has been left disgraced following his shocking remarks, which have been widely interpreted as representing a veiled threat to press freedom in this country. :stuck_out_tongue:

At a five-star dinner event in New York last week, the Louth TD made light of a gun being placed to the head of the editor of the Irish Independent. He later repeated the comments on his official blog.

“And when the Irish Independent condemned his actions as ‘murder most foul’ what did Michael Collins do? He dispatched his men to the office of the Independent and held the editor at gunpoint as they dismantled the entire printing machinery and destroyed it,” Mr Adams wrote.

This morning, Sinn Fein TD Mary Lou McDonald sought to defend her party leader on Newstalk Breakfast. She claimed he was “was speaking actually more generally on the editorial line” and said the lines pursued by the Sunday Independent were “utterly scurrilous”.

Mr Adams’ remarks have been met with shock and dismay both at home and internationally.

The Association of European Journalists said the remarks should concern any citizen interested in the freedom of the press.

“If you have what opinion polls tell us occasionally - the leader of the largest party in Ireland - idly and historically speculating about shooting editors, then one should be worried,” said the association’s Irish chairperson Martin Alioth.

The US-based Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) also condemned the remarks.

“While we realise Gerry Adams was joking when he made a remark about ‘holding an editor at gunpoint’, we are not amused. We are living through a period of record violence against journalists around the world. Quite simply this is not a laughing matter,” executive director Joel Simon told the Irish Independent.

Two journalists from the Independent group were murdered over their courageous writing to expose criminals. Sunday Independent journalist Veronica Guerin was gunned down in 1996 while the Sunday World’s Martin O’Hagan was killed by the Loyalist Volunteer Force in Northern Ireland in 2001. :smiley:

Mr Adams made his remarks amid a growing view in political circles that he has been seriously damaged over his handling of the Mairia Cahill abuse scandal.

Ms Cahill, who described Mr Adams’s gun remarks as “sick”, has confirmed that she has been contacted by further abuse victims who say they were subsequently subjected to an IRA kangaroo court.

The issue is due to be debated in the Dail on Wednesday.

Fianna Fail’s justice spokesperson Niall Collins said last night that he viewed Mr Adams’s remark as representing a “threat” to journalists.

"I found Gerry Adams’s remarks to be deeply insulting and somewhat threatening and I believe he has further displayed a blatant disregard to the families of loved ones who have been murdered through the use of a firearm.

“I believe the Sinn Fein leader should immediately withdraw his remarks and instead focus on coming clean on whatever information he and his Sinn Fein colleagues have on the cover-up of child sexual abuse,” he told the Irish Independent.

The National Union of Journalists Irish organiser Seamus Dooley said: "As the NUJ opposed Section 31 of the Broadcasting Act, we also oppose threats to journalists from politicians.

"The price of seeking election is accepting that you will be held to account. Mr Adams is free to dislike the Sunday Independent but he is not free to threaten or use bullying language towards journalists.

“It is ironic that he should make his comments in America, where freedom of expression is prized. I also would remind Mr Adams that journalists are workers who deserve the right to be treated with dignity in the conduct of their job. If he has a complaint, let him lodge a complaint with the Press Ombudsman.”

Meanwhile, the family of Ms Guerin, who was shot dead on June 25, 1996, also strongly condemned the comments.

Speaking to the Irish Independent, Veronica’s brother Jimmy said the public should expect better from a prominent political leader.

“For any political leader to make these remarks in jest is totally improper and deeply insensitive,” Mr Guerin said.

“It will remind us of two wonderful journalists, one of whom was my sister,” he said,

"What Gerry Adams did was most inappropriate. It is similar to someone making light of suicide, or depression, or anything else.

“It shows a deep sense of disrespect for the freedom of the press.”

That’s truly ridiculous.


Gerry just went back up in my books.

What name did you give your daughter again?

[QUOTE=“Julio Geordio, post: 1043157, member: 332”]INTERNATIONAL organisations that campaign for the protection and rights of journalists have expressed their shock after Gerry Adams openly joked about a newspaper editor being held at gunpoint.
The Sinn Fein leader has been left disgraced following his shocking remarks, which have been widely interpreted as representing a veiled threat to press freedom in this country. :stuck_out_tongue:

At a five-star dinner event in New York last week, the Louth TD made light of a gun being placed to the head of the editor of the Irish Independent. He later repeated the comments on his official blog.

“And when the Irish Independent condemned his actions as ‘murder most foul’ what did Michael Collins do? He dispatched his men to the office of the Independent and held the editor at gunpoint as they dismantled the entire printing machinery and destroyed it,” Mr Adams wrote.

This morning, Sinn Fein TD Mary Lou McDonald sought to defend her party leader on Newstalk Breakfast. She claimed he was “was speaking actually more generally on the editorial line” and said the lines pursued by the Sunday Independent were “utterly scurrilous”.

Mr Adams’ remarks have been met with shock and dismay both at home and internationally.

The Association of European Journalists said the remarks should concern any citizen interested in the freedom of the press.

“If you have what opinion polls tell us occasionally - the leader of the largest party in Ireland - idly and historically speculating about shooting editors, then one should be worried,” said the association’s Irish chairperson Martin Alioth.

The US-based Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) also condemned the remarks.

“While we realise Gerry Adams was joking when he made a remark about ‘holding an editor at gunpoint’, we are not amused. We are living through a period of record violence against journalists around the world. Quite simply this is not a laughing matter,” executive director Joel Simon told the Irish Independent.

Two journalists from the Independent group were murdered over their courageous writing to expose criminals. Sunday Independent journalist Veronica Guerin was gunned down in 1996 while the Sunday World’s Martin O’Hagan was killed by the Loyalist Volunteer Force in Northern Ireland in 2001. :smiley:

Mr Adams made his remarks amid a growing view in political circles that he has been seriously damaged over his handling of the Mairia Cahill abuse scandal.

Ms Cahill, who described Mr Adams’s gun remarks as “sick”, has confirmed that she has been contacted by further abuse victims who say they were subsequently subjected to an IRA kangaroo court.

The issue is due to be debated in the Dail on Wednesday.

Fianna Fail’s justice spokesperson Niall Collins said last night that he viewed Mr Adams’s remark as representing a “threat” to journalists.

"I found Gerry Adams’s remarks to be deeply insulting and somewhat threatening and I believe he has further displayed a blatant disregard to the families of loved ones who have been murdered through the use of a firearm.

“I believe the Sinn Fein leader should immediately withdraw his remarks and instead focus on coming clean on whatever information he and his Sinn Fein colleagues have on the cover-up of child sexual abuse,” he told the Irish Independent.

The National Union of Journalists Irish organiser Seamus Dooley said: "As the NUJ opposed Section 31 of the Broadcasting Act, we also oppose threats to journalists from politicians.

"The price of seeking election is accepting that you will be held to account. Mr Adams is free to dislike the Sunday Independent but he is not free to threaten or use bullying language towards journalists.

“It is ironic that he should make his comments in America, where freedom of expression is prized. I also would remind Mr Adams that journalists are workers who deserve the right to be treated with dignity in the conduct of their job. If he has a complaint, let him lodge a complaint with the Press Ombudsman.”

Meanwhile, the family of Ms Guerin, who was shot dead on June 25, 1996, also strongly condemned the comments.

Speaking to the Irish Independent, Veronica’s brother Jimmy said the public should expect better from a prominent political leader.

“For any political leader to make these remarks in jest is totally improper and deeply insensitive,” Mr Guerin said.

“It will remind us of two wonderful journalists, one of whom was my sister,” he said,

"What Gerry Adams did was most inappropriate. It is similar to someone making light of suicide, or depression, or anything else.

“It shows a deep sense of disrespect for the freedom of the press.”[/QUOTE]

I was reading that yesterday.


Adams said that Michael Collins attacked the Independent offices. The Indo says that Collins didn’t but someone else from the Pre Treaty IRA did. They went on to say that someone else from the anti Treaty side in the Civil War attacked it after the Indo supported Collins.

The amount of irony and contradiction going on there is incredible.

Any follow up on the story from two weeks ago that Gerry Adams murdered Annie McCarrick?

Can one of our tech-savvy posters please do up a Sunday Indo/Sinn Fein headline generator similar to the Daily Mail one?

[QUOTE=“Julio Geordio, post: 1043157, member: 332”]INTERNATIONAL organisations that campaign for the protection and rights of journalists have expressed their shock after Gerry Adams openly joked about a newspaper editor being held at gunpoint.
The Sinn Fein leader has been left disgraced following his shocking remarks, which have been widely interpreted as representing a veiled threat to press freedom in this country. :stuck_out_tongue:

At a five-star dinner event in New York last week, the Louth TD made light of a gun being placed to the head of the editor of the Irish Independent. He later repeated the comments on his official blog.

“And when the Irish Independent condemned his actions as ‘murder most foul’ what did Michael Collins do? He dispatched his men to the office of the Independent and held the editor at gunpoint as they dismantled the entire printing machinery and destroyed it,” Mr Adams wrote.

This morning, Sinn Fein TD Mary Lou McDonald sought to defend her party leader on Newstalk Breakfast. She claimed he was “was speaking actually more generally on the editorial line” and said the lines pursued by the Sunday Independent were “utterly scurrilous”.

Mr Adams’ remarks have been met with shock and dismay both at home and internationally.

The Association of European Journalists said the remarks should concern any citizen interested in the freedom of the press.

“If you have what opinion polls tell us occasionally - the leader of the largest party in Ireland - idly and historically speculating about shooting editors, then one should be worried,” said the association’s Irish chairperson Martin Alioth.

The US-based Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) also condemned the remarks.

“While we realise Gerry Adams was joking when he made a remark about ‘holding an editor at gunpoint’, we are not amused. We are living through a period of record violence against journalists around the world. Quite simply this is not a laughing matter,” executive director Joel Simon told the Irish Independent.

Two journalists from the Independent group were murdered over their courageous writing to expose criminals. Sunday Independent journalist Veronica Guerin was gunned down in 1996 while the Sunday World’s Martin O’Hagan was killed by the Loyalist Volunteer Force in Northern Ireland in 2001. :smiley:

Mr Adams made his remarks amid a growing view in political circles that he has been seriously damaged over his handling of the Mairia Cahill abuse scandal.

Ms Cahill, who described Mr Adams’s gun remarks as “sick”, has confirmed that she has been contacted by further abuse victims who say they were subsequently subjected to an IRA kangaroo court.

The issue is due to be debated in the Dail on Wednesday.

Fianna Fail’s justice spokesperson Niall Collins said last night that he viewed Mr Adams’s remark as representing a “threat” to journalists.

"I found Gerry Adams’s remarks to be deeply insulting and somewhat threatening and I believe he has further displayed a blatant disregard to the families of loved ones who have been murdered through the use of a firearm.

“I believe the Sinn Fein leader should immediately withdraw his remarks and instead focus on coming clean on whatever information he and his Sinn Fein colleagues have on the cover-up of child sexual abuse,” he told the Irish Independent.

The National Union of Journalists Irish organiser Seamus Dooley said: "As the NUJ opposed Section 31 of the Broadcasting Act, we also oppose threats to journalists from politicians.

"The price of seeking election is accepting that you will be held to account. Mr Adams is free to dislike the Sunday Independent but he is not free to threaten or use bullying language towards journalists.

“It is ironic that he should make his comments in America, where freedom of expression is prized. I also would remind Mr Adams that journalists are workers who deserve the right to be treated with dignity in the conduct of their job. If he has a complaint, let him lodge a complaint with the Press Ombudsman.”

Meanwhile, the family of Ms Guerin, who was shot dead on June 25, 1996, also strongly condemned the comments.

Speaking to the Irish Independent, Veronica’s brother Jimmy said the public should expect better from a prominent political leader.

“For any political leader to make these remarks in jest is totally improper and deeply insensitive,” Mr Guerin said.

“It will remind us of two wonderful journalists, one of whom was my sister,” he said,

"What Gerry Adams did was most inappropriate. It is similar to someone making light of suicide, or depression, or anything else.

“It shows a deep sense of disrespect for the freedom of the press.”[/QUOTE]
All you can say to that, is “fucking hell”. It is ludicrous.

no fan of Adams but faux outrage from the Independent is hard to stomach

Sam Smyth and Gemma O’Doherty don’t appear to have been picked up the same attention

“Michael Collins never covered up sex abuse, Mr Adams, so stop making the comparison.” - Fionnan Sheehan.

It’s like full blown satire at this stage.

The Big Fella stole his best mate’s girl:D

Get a load of this Byrne clown.

Sinn Fein deputy leader Mary Lou McDonald was suspended from the chamber after becoming embroiled in heated exchanges with Tanaiste Joan Burton.
Amid angry scenes, Labour TD Eric Byrne demanded that Sinn Fein reveal the whereabouts of the bodies of IRA victims.
“Where are the bodies, where are the bodies,” Mr Byrne shouted.

Sinn Fein Cork TD Sandra McLellan claimed that the government is consistently refusing to answer questions from the Opposition.
After her colleague Ms McDonald refused to take her seat, Ceann Comhairle Sean Barrett suspended the house.
TDs then voted in favour of expelling Ms McDonald from the chamber.
Earlier, Joan Burton said the priority of the government is to offer people a “modest charge” in relation to water.
She said the full water package has not yet been signed off on but that it will be revealed by Environment Minister Alan Kely next week.
Ms Burton refused to say whether people who do not pay their bills will have the sums deducted from their wages and social welfare payments.
She also did not respond to questions over whether emergency legislation will be introduced in this area next week.

Bernadette Devlin needs to run in the 26.

the marathon?

General election.

[QUOTE=“farmerinthecity, post: 1044814, member: 24”]Get a load of this Byrne clown.

Sinn Fein deputy leader Mary Lou McDonald was suspended from the chamber after becoming embroiled in heated exchanges with Tanaiste Joan Burton.
Amid angry scenes, Labour TD Eric Byrne demanded that Sinn Fein reveal the whereabouts of the bodies of IRA victims.
“Where are the bodies, where are the bodies,” Mr Byrne shouted.

Sinn Fein Cork TD Sandra McLellan claimed that the government is consistently refusing to answer questions from the Opposition.
After her colleague Ms McDonald refused to take her seat, Ceann Comhairle Sean Barrett suspended the house.
TDs then voted in favour of expelling Ms McDonald from the chamber.
Earlier, Joan Burton said the priority of the government is to offer people a “modest charge” in relation to water.
She said the full water package has not yet been signed off on but that it will be revealed by Environment Minister Alan Kely next week.
Ms Burton refused to say whether people who do not pay their bills will have the sums deducted from their wages and social welfare payments.
She also did not respond to questions over whether emergency legislation will be introduced in this area next week.[/QUOTE]

Eric Byrne from the workers party?


double standards

Would it be very cynical to think that Mairia Cahill is incredibly well coached?

(I had “well drilled” in there but some might have seen that as bit insensitive).