Should Gerry Adams stay on as Leader of Sinn Fein?

[QUOTE=“TreatyStones, post: 1044871, member: 1786”]Would it be very cynical to think that Mairia Cahill is incredibly well coached?

(I had “well drilled” in there but some might have seen that as bit insensitive).[/QUOTE]

She is related to Eilis O’Hanlon from Dinny Brine’s staff, she has been advised by her at every turn.

Every question put to her on Morning Ireland she had a very carefully prepared answer ready (as if she had the questions in advance).

Gerry has given a tour de France in the Dail today :clap:

I see Joan Burton was acting the cunt in the Dail today.

Mary Lou quizzed her about the case of Domhnall Ó Lubhlaí, who died a while back but where there are allegations of sex abuse.

Burton said she didn’t know, but she was aware of Ó Lubhlaí and said he had Republican links. She followed by saying that the Republican movement had of course problems with paedophilia and sex abuse.

I hate that shite.

I read somewhere lately that eyebrows Burton was a dyke, is this true?

Old news bluey? Is it true or not?

I’m confused.

Who are you responding to in the second post quoted above? Is it yourself as “bluey” by any chance? If so, why?

[QUOTE=“fucked out, post: 1050404, member: 1495”]I’m confused.

Who are you responding to in the second post quoted above? Is it yourself as “bluey” by any chance? If so, why?[/QUOTE]

Well champ, hope you’re feeling good. To remove any confusion from you and to clear up your misunderstanding I was replying to mbb/bluey as he had given my first post an old rating. Therefore my second post was to bluey. I’m still at a loss as to whether eyebrows is a dyke or not.

Is the celebrity death thread still running? I’ve a feeling Adams is about to be clipped

Thanks for clearing that up pal. These ratings, apart from likes, aren’t obvious on the app.

Qual-it-e :clap:



The greatest Irish-man of our time.


GERRY ADAMS HAS criticised the government’s plans to commemorate the 1916 Rising claiming they believe the rebellion is “an inconvenient issue that they want to get out of the way”.

The Sinn Féin president was speaking to supporters at the launch of his party’s own year-long commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the Easter Rising at the Mansion House in Dublin.

Adams claimed that following the defeat of the revolution nearly 100 years ago “narrow, mean-minded, conservative, elitist, sectarian regimes” were established north and south of the border.

He said this led to institutional abuse, poverty, emigration and inequality in the Irish State with the old British administration replaced by “new, native political and economic elites”.

“The reality is that when partition was imposed by London there were activists who rejected it. There were others who reluctantly accepted it as temporary and hoped that the new southern state would act as a stepping stone to full national freedom,” he said.

“But there were also those who saw it as an end in itself and there are many in the establishment today who share that view.

They, like the Taoiseach, believe that our sovereign nation stops at the border. They just don’t get 1916. It is an inconvenient issue that they want to get out of the way

Ireland’s greatest ever politician.


What a man…the greatest Irish man of all time.


The delusion of the above two posts FFS.

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100 years from now is when the people will truly appreciate Gerry Adams, history will be very kind to him.

An outstanding Irish republican.


Adams is the main stumbling block to SF being transfer allergic to the electorate

The electorate are idiots, prime example being a donkeybrained idiot like @Western_Person

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