Should Gerry Adams stay on as Leader of Sinn Fein?

Go onā€¦

His post a few above.

Fuck off you fool.

The greatest ever Irish man bar none.

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Ok but being a good republican doesnt automatically translate into being a party or person fit for government

Big statement pal, but he is certainly up there.

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Gerry Adams is both, a political colossus and a statesman who weā€™ll never see the likes of again.


As opposed to being a brainwashed barstooler?


Beats being a dyed in the wool quasi-nazi blueshirt.

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Your some wanker

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Is there some bit of a shift against him?

Which Iā€™m not. But I see you subscribe to the usual mantra of SFā€™s online army that anyone who doesnā€™t quite see them as celestial beings is by default an FG head. Oh and nazi too, lovely stuff.

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Boy do the cultists get touchy when their heroes donā€™t get worshipped by all and sundry.


You are very much a narrow minded, partitionist blueshirt - the sad thing is the denial that seems to fester you inside about it.

Quite touchy yourself, pal.

Iā€™m not a blueshirt at all, but you keep your own narrow-mindedness up if thatā€™s what gets you off.

Gorry is a mad bastardā€¦

Good thing he didnā€™t say that on here, @Rocko would have banned him.

GerryGerry :laughing:

Car crash interview on RTE Radio 1 now

Talking about Irish being shipped to Caribbean

ā€œI know many people of colourā€¦I have friends who are people of colourā€

Gerry was besties with Nelson Mandela. We all know the context in which Gerry made the remark, his biggest mistake was taking down the comment.

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Nah, the fact that he put it up there, in whatever context, shows he is beginning to lose the plot.