Should Gerry Adams stay on as Leader of Sinn Fein?

Enda appointed a dissident to the Senate.


Austin Stack doesn’t seem very trustworthy. Another pawn about to be burnt by FG/FF in their relentless attacks on SF


And just look who she’s friends with…

You couldn’t write it. :grinning:


You woke up to some very bad news today at 5pm :joy:

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PSF would be seen as dissident in republican heartlands . In stormount, in the DĂĄil, meeting the queen , recognising the PSNI , the courts.

He’s a lying creep:

He’s claiming he approached Gerry Adams for help but didn’t give him names, even though he was bandying them about and giving them to other politicians like Micheál Martin. Time for Mr Stack and his party leader Mr Martin to belatedly tell the truth here.


Mr. Stack can’t keep up with his lies…:grinning:

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A Stack of Lies.


He has confirmed that this is the case. What’s your point

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You’ve just repackaged my quip from earlier there but I’m giving it a like anyway.

It’s clearly articulated in the full post you’ve partially quoted. :thumbsup:

This was all known in February why is coming to the fore again now?
To be honest it’s embarrassing the way the establishment attack Gerry Adams because essentially they’re not Gerry Adams. The Eire mentality is one of low self worth and Adams represents everything they wish they we’re themselves- community leader combined with recognised international statesman.
Can you imagine Kenny or Martin emerging as a political leader from west Belfast of the 1970s? Neither can they and there in lies the problem.


No it wasn’t, but you have thrown serious allegations in the direction of Mr Stack. I assume you can back them up?



That gave me a good laugh

You IRA / Sinn Fein supporters and your ‘lies’



Is this chap pretending to be a lawyer or something?

I think he’s just a bit simple.

Keeps Jonathan Sugarman out of the headlines I suppose. Then again, a kidnapped dog got more coverage than his revelations in this country.

It would be wrong to accuse someone of something without any evidence, don’t you think?

I figured that alright. But what’s his angle? His persona hasn’t resonated with me. The other simpletons usually have an angle of some sort - one lad has his delusions, another lad is a leading expert on cuisine and the economy and the automobile industry and the other lad at least has his adult acne to distinguish him. This project x chap is just a face lost in the crowd.