Should Gerry Adams stay on as Leader of Sinn Fein?

Dessie Ellis was in House Restaurant in Howth tonight, listening to the Charlie Mingus tribute band. I’d say Dessie doesn’t give a fuck.


Dessie doesn’t give his custom to the King Sitric. He has no loyalty to any monarch, especially one whose name only evokes bitterness.


Agreed, he seems to have taken favour with the late sleeping, low income, low prospects, bitter crowd such as @Sidney , @Matty_Hislop , @Nembo_Kid and @myboyblue

I know that there is hope for @Bandage because he is an alright sort and can rise above those aforementioned posters.

Lolz, I pay my gardener more than you earn in a year.


You wish :wink:

His attempts to paint himself as a businessman with his constant references to stock exchanges is quite amusing tbf.

I see they’re looking for an increase in the price of a stamp

He’s a gas man, when he’s not cutting and pasting drivel from The Daily Mail he’s concocting tales based on his viewing of Billions.

My favourite was when he reckoned he was shorting the DAX in the immediate aftermath of the Frankfurt airport bombing, a complete Walter Mitty.

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@myboyblue and @Matty_Hislop are getting slaughtered at the hands of Project X here. The rural right wingers will surely be monitoring matters to see if cavalry arrives to save them from this battering.

The state sponsored media gave Stack the platform to relay his version of events on both Newstalk and Today FM this evening without bothering to question his story of give an alternative viewpoint on the matter.

Williams was egging him on and coercing dirt on Adams this morning. He nearly wet his pants when Stack mentioned that Gerry had asked him was he wearing a wire.

Cooper had him on this evening and let Stack throw shit at Adams and accuse him of all sorts of dishonesty without any sort of questioning. He then lost his shit when a few listeners texted in about Coopers biased handling of the affair.

I wouldn’t consider myself a SF supporter but they definitely don’t get a fair treatment In our media


Some feat for Fine Gael to tie lads to a cart at Ballyseedy and blow them up in 1923 ten years before they existed. FFS sake.

I have to laugh when I hear Nordie IRA types talking shite about “Free Staters” and the likes. Where the fuck were these types when it mattered, from 1919-1921, when there was fighting to be done. Fucking tipping the hat to Mr. Patterson the local gentleman farmer. Nowhere to be fucking seen.


Daniel Sugarman.

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One of SFIRA topdogs taken down in Cark overnight. No implication yet it has anything to do with Gerry Adams or Martin Ferris.

Whats the story here

Nope. This guy was affiliated to labour


You are very bitter. You seem to have a large chip on your shoulder when it comes to successful people.

You need to sort yourself out.

No implication that this is linked to the people mentioned above.

Seems like a very bad situation brewing down there.

Labour party related

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I think this guy was in the RĂ­ RĂĄ agus Ruaille Buaille faction.

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Another outburst from Williams this morning dredging up old stories to discredit SF and now Micheal Martin is on with no one else to offer a differing viewpoint