Should Gerry Adams stay on as Leader of Sinn Fein?

They are playing the senior hurling now, what did they expect. Welcome to the big leagues.

Oooft !

Ellis & Ferris front page of the indo this morning

‘Fellis’ has a ring to it for this dynamic duo

As Ellis has stated he was in jail while all this was going on :grinning: so a bit much to link him to it.

Dessie reckons the evidence against him just doesn’t stack up

The timing of all this again - After Sugarman was on TV in Ireland implicating both FF and FG in banking irregularities then this all just happens to blow up
 same tactic every time 
 We get what we deserve in Ireland as we keep voting in moose-headed cunts who are more interested in playing gombeen politics rather than implementing progressive measures - we roll from term to term dealing with mud slinging and scandals all the while housing/homelessness/health care/education/law and order all burn .


The equivalent of @Sidney saying he couldn’t have been online as he was in bed all day.


Even Bill Tormey has come out in support of Dessie Ellis.

Oooft :joy:

The same education system that gave you a second chance free gratis?

2016 has been a great year.

Brexit, Trump, the Trump Stock Market Rally and now the Sinn Fein implosion.


+1, pal. +1. Sadly transparent too. I’d expect certain media outlets to run with this story given their ownership and agenda but RTÉ are a shambles.

@sidney is the official satirist of the Communist Party of Ireland. Those Jeremy Hopkiss pieces don’t write themselves.

The same cunts bemoaning the state of law/health/homelessness etc in this country are the same liberal fanny cunts that see nothing wrong with young lads doing coke and are too fucking thick to join the dots

This clown trying to link the wider political world to his made up story about two kids doing drugs :joy: :joy::joy: Christ.


RTE in fairness to them asked Alan Farnell on morning Ireland why he has never pursued the perpetrators of the Dublin Monaghan bombs with the same vigour, they also asked if he ever heard of Douglas Mogg to which he replied no sorry.
Eire is a joke really

An absolute lightweight - it was terribly funny.

With paedo sadist priests and nuns. Amazing the amount of FFFGLAB teachers in the dail but who knew nothing about the abuse. Sure wasnt enda a teacher before he surfed into the dail on his father’s coffin


"From their spot in the gallery, Austin and Oliver watched them intently.

“There were 20 people sitting behind Gerry Adams today and each and everyone of them should hang their heads in shame,” said Austin afterwards. He repeated that the Sinn FĂ©in leader knows the identity of the man who told them that the people behind their father’s murder had been “disciplined” by the republican movement. Gerry Adams brought them to see him; they travelled in a van with blacked-out windows.

“He is quite clearly refusing to give the name of a murder suspect to the gardaí. It’s quite disgraceful.”

But Adams told the Dáil that confidentiality and trust is “an essential part of any conflict resolution process”.

_You might email a Garda Commissioner to look good at election time, but you can’t be snitching on real people either."