Should Gerry Adams stay on as Leader of Sinn Fein?

Sean O’Rourke invited Adams, Ferris and Ellis onto his show to discuss the murder of Mr Stack with Micheal Martin this morning.

The 3 of them declined

The absolute neck of this Stack chap, imagine wanting justice for the murder of his father, who does he think he is?


What is the story on Douglas Mogg?

Douglas Hogg he meant.


Yeah he’s some asshole alright. Those pesky McConville kids should FRO as well.

Sinn Féin worked bloody hard to get to the point of bending the knee and betraying their cause. Don’t thesd families know that even murderers need a pension as well?! :grimacing::grimacing::grimacing:

Yes a typo- Hogg. He stood up in commons a week before the murder of Pat Finucane and said solicitors representing Ira men were just as bad as the terrorists themselves

Ah right, got you now

wasn’t Finucane in the ra

Is he saying the Gardai are not up to solving the case? Making up lies and accusations without any proof is hardly going to do the case any good is it?

He was a solicitor who defended human rights. He was murdered in front of his wife and kids with the aid of your beloved tan government who didn’t believe in equal rights for Catholics.

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Mattie McGrath said he was offered a copy of the email sent to the commissioner by a journalist, last night on the late debate.

How did certain journalists get their hands on this and now we at least know where Aidan Farrell got his info from. Some country really. This should be a major scandal yet no outlet is even asking this question. Why are the Gardai giving information pertaining to an active murder investigation to journalists? Do they not want a conviction or is it to please their Political Masters?


After what I was told about the hutch - kinehan feud, and the cocaine routes into Dublin, nothing surprises me anymore.

Top brass of the Guards and FG have so much dirt on each other they’ll do anything to keep the other side happy. The policing of the water charge protests alongside the treatment of Claire Daly and the whistle-blowers is nothing short of a disgrace but nothing has been done about it.


Gerry getting a hard time from these Stack brothers. Gerry is up shit creek here.

Have Austin Stacks of Tralee made any comment on the matter?

Gerry not in da house for Leader’s questions. Imelda Munster has been catapulted into the big chair, where’s Mary Lou?

SFIRA top brass currently in their war room in an outhouse up in carrickmacoss.


Cobra meeting with machine gun mcguinness

Will they get a fill of diesel when they are there I wonder.

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I see on the news there he got ambushed by Stack at some conference or other