Should Gerry Adams stay on as Leader of Sinn Fein?

Could someone summarise what’s going on here. Bullet points preferably

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The Blueshirts are seething

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  • The RA killed people
  • FG & FF cant get their heads around this

Stack senior was a cunt

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why did they kill him?

like father like son though

He gave out one beating too much

It’s a sad day when the DUP have a more sensible view of the troubles than FF & FG.

  1. Stack reckons he knows who killed his father, and that he gave the names of these killers to Gerry who was obliged to give these names to the Guards after Stack told the world he gave the names to Gerry.

  2. Stack then denied giving the names to Gerry and said he made it all up.

  3. In the mean time, Daniel Sugarman was in Ireland giving details of how FF and FG were involved in banking irregularities that led to the last crash and FG/FF have both have used the stack story as a smokescreen and the Sugarman evidence will go totally unnoticed.


good enough then


The great year of 2016 just keeps getting better. The shinners are seething

Are you referring to guards being drug dealers and involved in the gangs?

Surely totally unfounded allegations ?

I’ve given that the sixth like but his name is Jonathan Sugarman, bro.

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Ah yeah - I don’t know where I pulled Daniel out of, kid. I appreciate the heads up.

One of the Garda whistleblowers spoke up about this but he was bullied, threatened and sidelined according to my sources.

I have two credible sources who tell me that a high profile Fine Gael politician is running a child sex ring from a cafe in Dublin.

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that is some piece of mind for the victims family
“I couldn’t have committed that particular murder, as I was in Jail for trying to murder someone else” :joy:

You couldn’t actually make it up at this stage, Jarry now in a cowshed somewhere, trying to go over his notes and remember which lies he told in order to cover himself up, then filling the car up with laundered diesel and heading south again


You attack but have no defence

No need to bring his support of Liverpool FC into the argument.


I think you’ll find it’s the other way around if you’d bothered to read the facts