Should Gerry Adams stay on as Leader of Sinn Fein?

Facts ye

Sf could be a great party if they get rid of the old guard

@ChocolateMice Gerry has questions to answer he is not the law

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Brendan Howlin gave a snivelling interview on Newstalk awhile ago, he was trying to score political points as usual.

Gerry Adams will be remembered as the greatest politican of his generation in Ireland, be no peace without him today imo.


What did he do today?

Rightly pointed out Austin Stack is a liar.

Does this idiot even work?

I meant what did he do today that created peace in the past? His sentence is slightly confusing, you;'re right, he probably doesn’t work.

Another Dan Carter.

Why don’t you go get a job, Austin?

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Wtf? He asked a simple fucking question?

On a Wednesday afternoon in Dublin, he was outside the Dail yesterday at the close.

Does he work?

I think his bank accounts should be investigated and see who is bankrolling him?

Maybe he does like Michael Martin does and lodges the money into his wife’s account.

There wouldnt be peace today without Gerry Adams.

Im not talking about that. I’m talking about your unprovoked attack on @myboyblue

Is his name Austin?

Wonder if noirin will done in respect of the above

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That is actually a proper scandal.

When he interrupted Gerry Adams, did Stacks enter to his own theme music?
Has the contract for the steel cage match been signed yet?

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She might still be in contact with them, but they aren’t in contact with her.

That may change again in future if politically convenient for them.