Should Gerry Adams stay on as Leader of Sinn Fein?

My middle name is :eek:

Alright Ozzie.

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There would be no peace without the SFIRA decision to lay down their arms, quit the terrorism without having achieved their objective and letting mcguinness go on her majesty’s payroll.
So yes, Adams was instrumental in all that.

For a SF supporter this is pretty gas. Plenty of the working class who make up the bulk of SF’s electorate, work shifts (if they work at all, ironically), as well as a significant portion of the wider population.

Austin Stack might be just like his murdered father, someone who works in a job which allows shift work.

Great to see such empathy for the working class from the SF supporters on here, almost as much as their empathy for families of murder victims.

Look they got equal rights for nationalists up there now…no leader is perfect in a war situation…but more then anyone, Gerry brought about peace and saved possibly thousands of lives.

The North would still be at war today if it wasnt for him, I genuinely believe that.

Can you confirm whether or not Austin Stack has a job?

All Sinn Féin IRA have done is follow the same path that the rest of the revolutionary movement at that time did. You know, realise that the only way to achieve their goals is democracy. As with the Pro Treaty side of 1921 and the bulk of the Anti Treaty fores from that time, they accepted the will of the people eventually.

I know we live in a society which now likes to give medals to everyone and anyone, but this is too much.

How would I know?

I merely laughed at your comment saying that is someone is off on a Wed afternoon they must be unemployed. Sneering at the unemployed and shift workers, from a SF supporter. :joy:

Burned out of their homes and treated as second class citizens under the gerrymandering system. Left to rot by their so called brethren in the free state. The IRA did some bad things, yes. But so did all sides. Who else was goin g to fight for them in the north? They had to bomb their way into normal political life and that’s a failure on all sides. Gerry took up the mantle as a young idealist and witnessing the violence the RUC and Bspecials unleashed on his community…then there was internment… Yes, it spiralled out of control but the older, more mature Adams has done everything to ensure we don’t go back there. He is a community activist, highly involved in all civil rights issues from racism, travellers, LGBT, abortion etc. I know if I lived in Belfast in the 60s I certainly would have stood up for my community… easy throw stones in the south when a few Wolfe Tones songs is as near violence you’ll ever experience… Gerry was the only foreigner to be asked to be a guard of honour at Nelson Mandela’s funeral. That’s speaks volumes in itself and if it was anyone else we would still be hearing about it. I could go on and on… Gerry was no different to the so called heroes we celebrate from the war of independence, that revisionism has allowed us put on a pedestal… in time he will be remembered as a great man. And the greatest of Irishmen.


What’s your point?

Get off the stage. The only thing that makes you stand up from your laptop screen is to celebrate a goal scored by your British soccer team on whatever British sports channel you are watching.

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Look we left the North of Ireland hanging wrongly back then pal, they had to march for civil rights nearly 40 years ago as they were treated like 2nd class citizens in their own country, and were shot at openly by a foreign occupational army.

What where they supposed to do?

Its easy say this and that from your recliner in Dublin you know…

The Patriots are American, bro. But I don’t know what your point there is, I’m not anti British. I’m pro Irish.

It’s also the 8th of December every culchie going was in Dublin today


Fully agree mate.

Fantastic post.

Did you enjoy your day out, pal?

I was doing an exam today in Cork pal so missed out on it

The random Riggins cliche generator strikes again.

Louise Mensch would be proud.

I thought that tradition was long gone.

Oh Dear, McGuinness has had to cancel his trip to China.