Should Gerry Adams stay on as Leader of Sinn Fein?

What’s he going on about at all?

It is I’d say pal I was making a joke.

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The North of Ireland wants to be British. That’s their decision.

Justifying the murder of a widow, bombing British civilians, murdering Irish Gards while you’re robbing a post office et cetera, on the above is piss weak.

SF IRA had no justification for continuing their operations for as long as they did and the manner they did. Their goal went from community protection to taking up arms again as a revolutionary movement against British rule. They did this with no democratic mandate.

They have now sold out “their” cause so that their ex Volunteers can get salaries as “community activists” on the dime of the British taxpayer.

Just as the “Free Staters” sold out, just as Dev sold out

Finally, SF campaigned for the release of Jerry McCabe’s murder on the basis that robbing a post office was all apart of a war. They had one of their TDs pick Pearse McAuley up from prison when they were released. Additionally Pearse McAuley et al got a standing ovation at a Sinn Fein Ard FhĂ©is ( It was only when he stabbed his Ra head wife that SF disowned him. People from Limerick who vote for this party, and those who like to give Gerry Adams credit, are beyond contempt. I guess some are seduced by cults.


Facts pal. All of the dyed in the wool Rastoolers on here who like to throw West Brit out here and there are big time British soccer fans.

I dont agree with the atrocites that were carried out on both sides
but Gerry has brought about peace whether the mainstream media likes it or not.

He’s no angel, but what politican is?

When did the north have a vote on whether they want to be British or not?

He’s saying that if you support Sinn Fein you have to hate everything about Britain or else be a raging hypocrite.

A bit like how Ms. Mensch said that if you get a takeaway coffee, you can’t protest against capitalism when you take EVERYTHING that it provides.

I know, I know, but it makes sense to Tim, and that’s the main thing, so let him have his little imagined victory.

Both sides? What did Austin Stack’s father or Jerry McCabe do to SF IRA? What atrocities did “their” side commit?

So you can’t support Sinn Fein and an English association football team? :smile:

Actually I am pointing out the general hypocricy of the Rastooler on here.

Watch rugby - you are a West Brit (there’s your clichĂ©)
Watch Liverpool and consume another British imported sport to Ireland - “oh they were a Catholic club it’s fine” (they weren’t :grinning:)


They used their position of authority to hand out beatings

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Where did I say that? I pointed out the irony of the Rastoolers on here who like to throw around these kind of terms, claim they would have all been in the Ra, and yet who go on consuming British culture with gay abandon.

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God, I wish I was as good at debating as you, making such devastating points.

You’re such a class debater, you’re so good, so great, oh yeah.

So no response and deflection again. The meltdown continues
post up another gas Private Eye lite satire piece there.

You’ve just made the exact same point I said you were making, again, while trying to deny you made it. :smile:

If that’s in reference to my post I said if I was in Belfast in the 60s and faced with what Adam’s generation were faced with I would have defended my community, that’s all. You clown.

Nobody was talking about rugby, mate.

God, you’re so touchy.

No I made quite a specific point to quite a specific poster. You are now trying to claim I made a generic point about SFers - which I never did. The same kind of generic point another friend of the working man @Nembo_Kid did when saying if one wasn’t working on a Wed afternoon they must be unemployed.

My point is Gerry has saved lives
that’s all I’ll say on the matter.

Is he depressed?