Should Gerry Adams stay on as Leader of Sinn Fein?

Which was quite obviously a generalisation.

Or is it only @ChocolateMice you have a problem with in terms of supporting Sinn Fein and an English association football team, and liking as many aspects of English culture as he likes?

Which is a pathetic shy away from the point. Martin McGuiness, Gerry Adams et al engineered the armed campaign in the UK. Bombing the mainland’s pubs, raising funds by theft, murdering suspected “touts” …all apart of that campaign.

Nothing to do with protecting Catholics in the North, it was a self confessed revolutionary cause. You can argue that in the late 1960s that protecting Catholic homes was justified, murdering Jerry McCabe was not. SF IRA’s contention was that there would never be peace in Ireland whilst Britain still occupied part of Ireland, well they still do and it’s bloody peaceful. Made a bit easier to swallow that when you’re on their payroll I suppose.

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Whose life did he save?
Name one.

He is a murderer. Responsible for dozens of murders, some woman and children.

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No it was quite a specific post to a particular poster and type of poster on here. With your meltdown on here continuing unabated, you took another swing at me…just desperate stuff at this point.

It’s patting a child on the back for cleaning up their own mess.

[quote=“ChocolateMice, post:738, topic:18376, full:true”]
If that’s in reference to my post I said if I was in Belfast in the 60s and faced with what Adam’s generation were faced with I would have defended my community, that’s all. You clown. [/quote]

The IRA did nothing to protect their communities in the 1960s, they were too busy debating the merits of Marxism.


You haven’t answered the question.

Oh and here’s your “specific to a poster” point. Specific to “all”. :smile:

Yes you’ll point out where I said all Sinn Féin supporters there cheers.

Dig up, Tim.

If he didnt sell the peace process to the provos…there would still be war there…he is a special leader in that regard.

If 3 thousand died over 30 years roughly to mid 90’s…you could say upto a thousand lives…and that would be a low estimate imo.

In fairness, what drove them on was the civil rights march in Derry…there was always going to be a huge takeup after that.

Bloody Sunday was appaling.

Did I say anything about the IRA? That generation went on to be the rank and file alright in the 70s but it started with the upheaval of the 60s… The Ra were two men and a dog by the mid 60s, the Unionists and later the British army created the IRA.

No, with respect, what drove the on was being funded and armed by Fianna Fail.

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Apoligies mate, get what you mean now…and thats v true.

Austin Stack is an Assistant Governor at Irish prison service. Formerly a prison officer

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They certainly created the environment, but the provos were created by Fianna Fail. It was a shameful act of cowardice, instead of applying more political pressure on the British they funded and armed a group of idealists who could never achieve military victory if the war lasted 800 years. All in the name of their precious Republic that they had long abandoned themselves. A shower of cunts with a lot of blood on their hands.


@Tassotti is not going to like that.

Depressingly true…

I think their grassroots were fucked over post Lemass.

Haughey was a rogue…but he was a leader with a nationalist conscience…created the IFSC and low corp tax.that party is destroyed now…sold us out.

You are very right in one way and very very wrong on others. The Provos were supported as a counter to the stickies who many feared were on the cusp of a revolution down here in late sixties early seventies . Fook all to do with a republic .

FF killed Austin Stack.