Should Gerry Adams stay on as Leader of Sinn Fein?

Yes you’re right. I misinterpreted that post.
The source of my ire was @Nembo_Kid post having a crack at someone for something completely unrelated to the topic.

How many people died between 1921 and 1969, as a result of NI continuing to be a part of the U.K.?

how many lived as 2nd class citizens?

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Well there were 4,000 killed in WWII fighting for the Brits anyway. One would think that’s probably twice what it would have been if they weren’t part of the UK.

Very hard to put a figure on the impact of discrimination on infant mortality etc but I’d say we’re talking a significant number.

Ok I stop posting in this thread

Again- no justification for the continued tactics of Sinn FĂ©in IRA for decades.

They were beaten at the ballot box in the 80s in Nationalist areas until they laid down their weapons. In the early 80s they saw the effect that the soft sell of the hunger strikers had for their support base- but they also saw as the decade wore on and their atrocities continued that their vote fell drastically.

Basically SF saw what every Irish revolutionary force has seen. You cannot win militarily and you won’t win the support required to lead until you let go of violence. Nothing new in that at all, just a whole load of wasted years on this island.

It’s strange that a Blueshirt like yourself has never heard of Michael Collins.

Vincent Browne has cut through the shit here.

So Stack knows who the suspect is. He has told the Gardaí who the suspect is. But he want’s Gerry Adams to tell the Gardaí who the suspect is too. Is there really any story here at all?


Nobody was forced to fight in World War II in the north. No draft. It was a war prosecuted by an elected government. The Paramilitaries in the North who murdered civilians were unelected. The majority of the deaths were cowardly i.e. bomb a pub. Any comparison to WWII is utterly ludicrous.

You’re going to try and tell me that the Irish health system was so much better than the NHS now are you? :joy: Let’s not pretend the Catholics up there who still went to their Catholic run hospitals would have been any better in the Irish Republic with hospitals ran by the Church.

Maybe not. But SF seem to be taking the whole thing very seriously. Whatever your view on the thing, they have been rattled by it.

Are you thick? I have mentioned the Pro Treaty side numerous times already on this thread. I have also stated in the past that I am no supporter of the Easter Rising or the War of Independence.

I have more respect for those who fought a war with a semblance of a democratic mandate, and those who figured out that violence wasn’t going to “win” for you, but I am no supporter of it.

Deal with what I quoted Tim. You were talking shit and I pulled you up on it.

I didn’t draw any comparison Tim. Nor did I mention a draft.

You asked how many people died as a result of partition before 1969 and I put forward a number of factors that you hadn’t considered. I can’t twist the facts just to suit your argument unfortunately.

Sinn Fein have no choice but to take it seriously. Can you imagine the outcry if they said it was a non story? This will be forgotten about in a week. Adams poll rating will go down 2% at the weekend but will be up 3% in January.

Talking shit about what exactly? You called me a “Blueshirt” (another term Sidney doesn’t have a problem when he comes in to go on about clichĂ©s) and seemingly think I am a huge supporter of the Pro Treaty elements in FG lineage. Your entire point falls down on that point, sorry that you thought that I was some big Michael Collins devotee or something. I guess you’ll have to find something else to give us a bit of whataboutery for.

Fuck I missed it
to be fair to him he comes from a good Republican parish in one of the most rural areas in Limerick.

He’s fond of Gerry.

Can you stick to what I originally quoted please Tim? Stop trying to muddy the waters.

This is what you said btw.

There you said it. Trump will come out and say Ireland is a Tax Haven and Enda Kenny is a cunt and it’ll all be forgotten about.

The point is irrelevant. Civilians died during the Troubles from no choice of their own. The reason why they died, many of whom died going about their day to day business, was because of the decisions made by the resurrected IRA and Loyalist paramilitaries. It was their decision, without a democratic mandate, to prosecute campaigns based on terror.

Comparing it to 4,000 Northern Irishmen dying in a conventional war which they volunteered for

Again, I wouldn’t deny that there was a reason why the IRA were needed to protect Catholics from Loyalist mobs in the late 1960s. The war they subsequently went about though, unacceptable.