Should Gerry Adams stay on as Leader of Sinn Fein?

PoorJarry, most oppressed td ever, he’s the real victim here :joy:

The first truth he sets out is a lie

Decent post. However, you forgot to mention the two lads doing coke on a whatssapp video, kid.

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Ffs Noel Whelan ran for FF and had links to the PDs. Not impartial, same agenda.

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Noel Whelan would be a great man to provide independent analysis of the situation alright…


Ah lad will you have some dignity and respect for yourself ffs. Seething will get you nowhere. Take your dismantling like a man and let it go and stop trying to drag down a thread where there is a bit of decent discussion /debate going on.

Also, you shouldn’t be surprised at the quality of my posting. I’m a top top poster mate, and I can turn it on like a switch. Just like that.

Constantly saying you dismantled or destroyed someone = That never happened. Just an FYI, kid. And clam down.

Post reported for spam, hopefully the admin start cracking down on this sort of thing.

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Freedom isn’t free

I think he really is a spambot.

I don’t think he is a wingnut loon at all. He is happy to plough his own furrow, which is largely based on finding violence both abhorrent and largely pointless. That obviously sets him against the armchair republicans.
Fwiw, I think mcguinness is twice the man that Jerry is, and deserves the lions share of the credit. One of the top five people in the world I’d love to meet. Jerry has done bad things and good things, but he’s a bit shifty.

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Martin is a great, great man.


At grave. Digging

What up pall this is a debate

Enjoyed your spelling of “pal” also.

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Adams was asked to answer a question on Morning Ireland earlier by saying either yes or no. He was unable to do so.

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Yes or no - Why is the grass green?

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Yes or no, will you give the name of your trusted friend in the IRA to the Garda

Gerry has been riddled with bullets, interned, tortured and has to sit in the same room as Regina Doherty every day. Would you blame him for being shifty looking?