Should Gerry Adams stay on as Leader of Sinn Fein?

There was some lad on Newspeak this morning on about another child abuse/Kangaroo court incident. They are really racheting up the pressure on Gerry. Shortsighted in my view, a SF without Gerry is far more dangerous to the establishment.



And I’m pretty sure Gerry covered all that in his speech in front of the dail… The fact you find it surprising that anyone would refuse to answer that question live on air says more about you, than Gerry, mate.

‘Well some people might say that the grass is green, I, however, have made no such assertions. The grass might very well be green but that is entirely something that is the business of the grass itself.’


Very true, also it’s only a matter of time before someone asks a sneering, arrogant FF TD why they aren’t pursuing the Mary Boyle murder with the same zeal live on air.

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I can’t tell you what colour the grass is as it may affect the future colour identification of other blades of grass. What we need is a cross party grass truth & colour identification process, where people who enter the process are given a certain amount of protection in return for identifying the colour of the grass. May I also ask as to why it’s only ever Republicans who are asked what colour is the grass, why aren’t the other parties concerned about what colour the British government think the grass is?


Surprising that the stacks haven’t looked at the Garda for proper answers. Pretty much every Garda murder by providing was solved pretty quickly yet the stacks are still looking for closure over 30 years later with no end in sight and a good chunk of that is on AGS

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he supports British and American imperialism mate, a lot more died this month by these criminals than was killed in BOI


That’s very true. I’ll not argue with that.

Jarry had one of his well documented loss of memory situations

I’m well aware of his links. Curiously, I’d suspect Middle Ireland will take his opinion on board far more than another shifty Adams interview, whining SF tds, or seething Rastoolers on various social media platforms. The same applies for the rest of the mainstream media beyond Whelan. Simply put, Adams is not believable on these issues and I suspect that’s the views of most of the electorate. It doesn’t really impact the core SF vote who are comfortable with the various tales of the past but in my opinion it continues to limit SF’s potential gains beyond the 15% level. Biggest recession/austerity in recent Irish history - it should have been a breakthrough for SF but it wasn’t.

Separately - SF giving out about political point-scoring is hilarious. It’s unclear why they think that issues that make them uncomfortable should be off-limits.

The SFIRA lads can always remember where the cash is buried, not great with bodies though.


Paudie McGahon. He can’t go for a quiet pint in Ardee any more.

He sounded old and out of his depth

these shinner spambots are losing their minds trying to defend their failed paramilitary, drug dealing pedo protection racket

SF made huge gains in the under 30 age bracket — as the old allegiances to the civil war parties die out over the next few elections SF will take their rightful place at the top table.

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Sorry pal, while they may, or may not, no political party has a right to be anywhere. The electorate decide that right.

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its some coincidence that Jarry (most oppressed td ever) has been the victim of so many liars down though the years, all the lads in the ra who said he was in the ra, maria cahill, the stacks, his niece, mcgahern, the mccartneys, all bloody liars


That’s what I just said, pal.

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Sure you did. Suuuuuuuuuuure.