Should Gerry Adams stay on as Leader of Sinn Fein?

Fuck me- @TheUlteriorMotive[/USER] , [USER=179]@artfoley[/USER], [USER=182]@Bisto[/USER] and [USER=1533]@glasagusban have taken an unmericiful hiding here… Well done to the Ra supporters for so efficiently dishing out the beatings.

@Mac- lock the thread, pal, this session is adjourned.

You aren’t answering the question. You’re saying it was a cover-up. What was a cover up? Not going to the police or not executing the alleged perpetrator? And if it’s the former, did you want the IRA to go to the police directly? Was it the fact that they dealt with it “in house” that was the problem or was it the outcome of those dealings?

[QUOTE=“ChocolateMice, post: 1034670, member: 168”]Fuck me- @TheUlteriorMotive[/USER] , [USER=179]@artfoley[/USER], [USER=182]@Bisto[/USER] and [USER=1533]@glasagusban have taken an unmericiful hiding here… Well done to the Ra supporters for so efficiently dishing out the beatings.

@Mac- lock the thread, pal, this session is adjourned.[/QUOTE]

Fuck off you nutri freak

You’ll burst a hemorrhoid with all this rage

No rage at all. I’m nicely calm. Anyway, best not to clog the thread with your nutri shite.

Enda Kenny called Mairia Cahill “a rape victim” without saying “alleged”.

That means that he has decided, despite the case being thrown out of court, that the alleged rapist is, categorically, a rapist.

Even the Spotlight programme made clear it was not judging whether the abuse claims were true or not.

By that logic, following the various garda conyroversies, kenny, martin and a good chunk of both their front benches should be gone or are you only applying these ethics for alleged rapes outside the jurisdiction?

TUM is clearly on the piss take here, Art. I doubt he means anything he has said in this thread.

I feel like I am being held down in a bath full of water in a disused house.

his sugar levels are all over the place

He needs a nutri-bullet to the head.

I feel sorry for Adams on this one, and it truely is amazing the way history can transpire against one.

If this was 8-10 years ago he could safely have had this Cahill one shot and fired into the same hole as the widow mconville

On August 2nd, child sex abuse victim Louise O’Keeffe wrote to Enda Kenny to request a meeting by the end of September to discuss the Government’s failure to implement child protection legislation required after her victory in the European Court of Human Rights, but Kenny has so far “not been available”.

He was certainly available at short notice this morning, though, when he knew he could make political capital of meeting Mairia Cahill.

A bit beside the point but what kind of a name is Mairia

[QUOTE=“Sidney, post: 1034852, member: 183”]On August 2nd, child sex abuse victim Louise O’Keeffe wrote to Enda Kenny to request a meeting by the end of September to discuss the Government’s failure to implement child protection legislation required after her victory in the European Court of Human Rights, but Kenny has so far “not been available”.

He was certainly available at short notice this morning, though, when he knew he could make political capital of meeting Mairia Cahill.[/QUOTE]
it almost seems a political move, pal…

Eligible Liabilities Guarantee scheme.
The abortion act
Property tax
Cuts to carers
Water charges
Winding up of anglo
Finance bills

All the above debates were guillotined, yet mairia cahill gets an uninterrupted debate
What a joke these cunts in govt have made of the dail

is this fella into riding young lads or whats the story?
if he is not then we just need to move on

[QUOTE=“artfoley, post: 1034885, member: 179”]Eligible Liabilities Guarantee scheme.
The abortion act
Property tax
Cuts to carers
Water charges
Winding up of anglo
Finance bills

All the above debates were guillotined, yet mairia cahill gets an uninterrupted debate
What a joke these cunts in govt have made of the dail[/QUOTE]

Gerry has been seriously clamped and mugged off by Enda here diverting all the focus from the water charges on to its main critic on how he knowingly provoded a safe haven for paedos.
all of the “shur wasnt every other organisation at it” arguments been made above are looking like people trying to make justifications for child abuse and how if its ok for one crowd its ok for the shinners as well… he is fucked here and i think he could walk… His next speech in the Dail could be very interesting, he’s been handed a total clamping here

Foley spent most of last year protecting a self confessed racist , this shouldn’t come as a surprise @mickee321 , he is the one contributor on here who genuine terrifies me to my very core

Ah the dog strangling cunt, fuck off with your helen lovejoy faux concern.

[QUOTE=“mickee321, post: 1034908, member: 367”]is this fella into riding young lads or whats the story?
if he is not then we just need to move on

Gerry has been seriously clamped and mugged off by Enda here diverting all the focus from the water charges on to its main critic on how he knowingly provoded a safe haven for paedos.
all of the “shur wasnt every other organisation at it” arguments been made above are looking like people trying to make justifications for child abuse and how if its ok for one crowd its ok for the shinners as well… he is fucked here and i think he could walk… His next speech in the Dail could be very interesting, he’s been handed a total clamping here[/QUOTE]

Given FGs ability to make a sows ear out of a silken purse, the whistleblowers being a wonderful example, they will overplay their hand or something will come out that will make kenny look like an ugger cunt. Dont get me wrong, adams should get the bullet (pardon the pun) but if thats the standard 2/3of the dail should go with him