Should Gerry Adams stay on as Leader of Sinn Fein?

I am going to go on record and predict a horrible future headline involving foley, it will probably take place in a civilised country involving people of colour

Look, if you cant deal with the topic at jand just pick up tbe shotgun snd head down to the shed and do the decent thing

In a longer-term perspective of Sinn Fein’s presence in the South, they already have. The major parties, and the political/media establishment in general, don’t seem to appreciate the fact that they’ve been trying to smear Sinn Fein for the last 10-15 to the point where the population is desensitised.

Think about the fact that the largest media group in the country has relentlessly attacked them for all that time, and still a large chunk of the electorate say that they will vote for Sinn Fein.

In the usual thick-headed, short sighted manner of the self-anointed Irish establishment, their descent into hysterical fits of outrage every time there’s a sniff of an opportunity to damage Sinn Fein has led us to a point where it just doesn’t register anymore.

Their next step, as per usual, will be to produce a poll that shows just how fatally damaging this scandal has been to Sinn Fein, a conclusion which will be uncritically accepted and repeated by the usual forelock tuggers. Everyone’s seen it countless times before, and Sinn Fein are still one of the most popular parties in the country. You’d think that they might learn something.

Well I would consider myself a fairly normal, bland swing voter. I would be more reluctant now to vote for Mary Lou, following her reaction to this. The sexual molestation and rape of children is heinous. You can argue about smear tactics, and posture whataboutery all you like. The facts stand. I certainly believe the Cahill lady. She is absolutely plausible. I also understand her withdrawal from the criminal trial( for personal reasons). Adams is to an extent being judged by the different standards of today, but many of the arguments, erroneously in my opinion, put forward in his defence, could equally erroneously be advanced to defend the shameful (I can’t think of a strong enough word) actions of the church, in collusion with the state, and with society in general. Liam Adams should have been prevented from working anywhere near children by those in a position to stop him. Gerry Adams, if you believe Miss Cahill, which I do, placed children’s welfare below the expedience of Sinn Fein. People are absolutely right to question this, whatever their motives.

Can’t expect republicans to run a nanny state and fight a war at the same time. They did the best they could with available structures. Time to move on. Sad but unsurprising that Enda, Indo, ff jumping all over this, to me this is much more shameful than people from a non-social work background trying their best to deal with allegations they were not equipped to deal with because Fg and Ff had surrendered to the Brits and left them to work it out for themselves.
The one shining light in all of this had been the road to Damascus conversion of art ‘the provo’ foley.
Interesting to note that most nutri bulleters with their higher cognitive powers are pro Adams while roasters with sugar rushes and mental slumps seem to be pro Enda.

[QUOTE=“croppy, post: 1034937, member: 230”]Can’t expect republicans to run a nanny state and fight a war at the same time. They did the best they could with available structures. Time to move on. Sad but unsurprising that Enda, Indo, ff jumping all over this, to me this is much more shameful than people from a non-social work background trying their best to deal with allegations they were not equipped to deal with because Fg and Ff had surrendered to the Brits and left them to work it out for themselves.
The one shining light in all of this had been the road to Damascus conversion of art ‘the provo’ foley.
Interesting to note that most nutri bulleters with their higher cognitive powers are pro Adams while roasters with sugar rushes and mental slumps seem to be pro Enda.[/QUOTE]

You can’t spell nutriblast without IRA.

If it’s such a massive own goal by FG/FF etc to address this with SF the why are the SF leadership and supporters so rattled by all of this?

Of course it’s being used as a political football, that tends to happen with all issues in politics and SF are well able to run with issues when the shoe is on the other foot. That’s probably the most surprising thing - the naïveté and whinging that they should be criticised at all.

With regard to electoral impact, it’s hard to know. Core support will be unaffected - they’ve already made their moral justifications re: Adams etc and one more victim won’t change that. At the margins it may make a small impact - reminding voters that SF have feet of clay like all the others. It probably will also keep SF fairly transfer resistant which is an increasing issue for them (see last by-election where FG transfers of all things pushed the socialist past them)

i) Mairia Cahill did not recognise the RUC as a legitimate police force, so had no intention of going to them.
ii) She told Siobhan O’Hanlon, Breege Wright and Sue Ramsey what happened. If there had then been no internal disciplinary procedure against the alleged offender, Kenny would be accusing the IRA of a cover up. There was an internal disciplinary procedure, and he’s still accusing the IRA of a “cover up”. This is utterly bizarre.
iii) Gerry Adams advised Mairia Cahill to go to the RUC.

Do people actually even know what they’re getting “outraged” about here? Because it certainly isn’t the alleged rape of a 16 year old girl, that’s for sure. Enda Kenny and Micheal Martin couldn’t give a shit about that. The one aim of Kenny, Martin, and whoever is (badly) advising Mairia Cahill (presumably Eilis O’Hanlon) is to damage Gerry Adams and Sinn Fein.

[QUOTE=“Sidney, post: 1034985, member: 183”]i) Mairia Cahill did not recognise the RUC as a legitimate police force, so had no intention of going to them.
ii) She told Siobhan O’Hanlon, Breege Wright and Sue Ramsey what happened. If there had then been no internal disciplinary procedure against the alleged offender, Kenny would be accusing the IRA of a cover up. There was an internal disciplinary procedure, and he’s still accusing the IRA of a “cover up”. This is utterly bizarre.
iii) Gerry Adams advised Mairia Cahill to go to the RUC.

Do people actually even know what they’re getting “outraged” about here? Because it certainly isn’t the alleged rape of a 16 year old girl, that’s for sure. Enda Kenny and Micheal Martin couldn’t give a shit about that. The one aim of Kenny, Martin, and whoever is (badly) advising Mairia Cahill (presumably Eilis O’Hanlon) is to damage Gerry Adams and Sinn Fein.[/QUOTE]

Why are you so surprised? Do you think that SF really give a shit about the whistleblower when they attacked the gov? No - it’s called politics. You try and paint your policies and politicians in a good light and your opponents in a bad light. I don’t think the public are fooled by the crocodile tears from FG/FF but equally they can still have concerns over the behaviour (past and present) of SF spokespersons. The question I have is would Adams be backed unquestionably by SF politicians and supporters over anything? It’s manic loyalty and that’s a scary prospect in a potential gov minister.

Why would I be surprised at anything Enda Kenny or Micheal Martin do?

Why would Sinn Fein members not remain loyal to Adams when all his detractors have come up with is the usual hot air and bluster, in the absence of any coherent argument?

[QUOTE=“croppy, post: 1034937, member: 230”]
Interesting to note that most nutri bulleters with their higher cognitive powers are pro Adams while roasters with sugar rushes and mental slumps seem to be pro Enda.[/QUOTE]

be careful pal…the fibre in the skin of fruits helps with slow absorption of sugar …so if you are not getting that then you will get same sugar rushes as the roasters…

[QUOTE=“Sidney, post: 1034985, member: 183”]i) Mairia Cahill did not recognise the RUC as a legitimate police force, so had no intention of going to them.
ii) She told Siobhan O’Hanlon, Breege Wright and Sue Ramsey what happened. If there had then been no internal disciplinary procedure against the alleged offender, Kenny would be accusing the IRA of a cover up. There was an internal disciplinary procedure, and he’s still accusing the IRA of a “cover up”. This is utterly bizarre.
iii) Gerry Adams advised Mairia Cahill to go to the RUC.

Do people actually even know what they’re getting “outraged” about here? Because it certainly isn’t the alleged rape of a 16 year old girl, that’s for sure. Enda Kenny and Micheal Martin couldn’t give a shit about that. The one aim of Kenny, Martin, and whoever is (badly) advising Mairia Cahill (presumably Eilis O’Hanlon) is to damage Gerry Adams and Sinn Fein.[/QUOTE]

Lyndon Johnson - let’s make the bastard deny it

It’s politics. Funny how SF can ask questions but come across all doe eyed when questions are asked of it. The aim is to make Adams count pirouetting angels on the head of a pin as he struggles to reconcile his Father Son and Holy Ghost relationship with the IRA.

Art, outside of repeatedly standing in front of a self confessed racist/cannibal, masking/justifying the cover up of pedophilia, and recommending suicide, do you have any other more main stream interests we could engage on ??

Foley is cleaning house on this thread.

[QUOTE=“TheUlteriorMotive, post: 1035028, member: 2272”]Lyndon Johnson - let’s make the bastard deny it

It’s politics. Funny how SF can ask questions but come across all doe eyed when questions are asked of it. The aim is to make Adams count pirouetting angels on the head of a pin as he struggles to reconcile his Father Son and Holy Ghost relationship with the IRA.[/QUOTE]
Funny how earlier it was all “Adams must go” and “Adams was lying”, yet now you have admitted that it’s Fine Gael who are lying and have revised your expectations significantly downwards as to what you want to happen to Adams after being clamped on this thread.

Ulterior Motive is an appropriate name for you.

Oh, so you’re alive then…answer your texts…

[QUOTE=“artfoley, post: 1034605, member: 179”]Wonder how many other parliaments would give over a day of emergency debate on an alleged rape in another jurisdiction?

Shows how fucked our “democracy” is[/QUOTE]

It’s a farce. An utterly bizarre episode on several levels.

this is a great day for the forum. Foley has shifted his allegiances & his former allies on the right have taken an unmerciful beating.

Maybe Rocko could post up a few PMs that TUM,TAN,Mac & Tallback have sent to Art begging for him to come back into the fold?

@artfoley is a stone cold internet legend.

Always knew he had it in him.